What is Financial Planning? Definition, Benefits and Purpose (2024)

March 28, 2024

What is Financial Planning? Definition, Benefits and Purpose (1)

Table of Content

1. What Is Financial Planning?

2. What is the Purpose of a Financial Plan?

3. What are the Different Types of Financial Planning?

4. What is a Comprehensive Financial Plan?

5. Key Steps to Create a Successful Financial Plan

6. When to Create a Financial Plan?

7. Benefits of Financial Planning

8. Objectives of Financial Planning

9. How Much Money Do You Need for Financial Planning?

10. Conclusion

11. FAQs

Financial planning serves as a guide for both individuals and corporations in achieving their financial objectives. Its contents are an analysis of your current financial standing, setting reasonable goals, and developing strategies to reach those goals. In layman's terms, it's a manual for improved financial management. This article defines what is financial planning,discusses its benefits, and explains its purpose, all of which emphasise the significance of financial planningin negotiating the complex terrain of individual and business finances.

What is financial planning definition? People should engage in financial planning to better prepare themselves for and deal with any future financial obligations and difficulties. Financial planning encompasses many different areas and could include many other types of services. Clients are seen as distinct persons with various requirements and goals, leading to a more comprehensive approach to financial planning. Several monetary facts are considered to ascertain the optimal method of assisting people in living their lives to the utmost.

What is the Purpose of a Financial Plan?

So after learning the financial planning meaning, let’s have a look at the purpose of economic plan. The following are some key objectives:

  • A financial plan may help you set realistic and measurable financial goals. A well-structured plan will show you the exact steps to retire comfortably, buy a home, or grow your business.
  • A person engages in financial planningwhen they take stock of their income and expenses and work to create a spending plan that supports their goals. Keeping track of one's money is essential for paying bills on time and putting money aside for the future.
  • Market volatility, inflation, unexpected expenses, and the possibility of a decline in income due to illness or disability are just a few risks that financial plans account for. To mitigate these risks and protect against financial issues, the approach includes steps like having insuranceand an emergency fund.
  • Effective tax planningis a cornerstone of responsible money management. By understanding the impact of different financial decisions on their tax liabilities, individuals may properly seek ways to minimise their tax burden and optimise their after-tax benefits.

Extensive services may be presented to you by a financial planner. It is usual to consider these services together. If your planner is aware of your current situation and your long-term objectives, they may be able to integrate them more effectively into the plan. Typically, financial planners provide eight different services:

  • Tax Planning

  • Tax advice is a common part of a financial planner's service. Not only that, but they could even figure out how to maximise your return while decreasing your tax liability. Some advisors can help you file your taxes or prepare them if you ask them nicely.

  • Estate Planning

  • One purpose of estate planningis to make life easier for your loved ones when you pass away. Financial planners may assist customers in creating a will as part of their business. Start paying annual taxes if you fear you could be liable by planning.

  • Retirement Planning

  • You should start putting money down now to retire from your work when the time comes. Get yourself prepared for retirement with the help of a retirement planning service. They check that you have saved enough money to live comfortably in retirement.

  • Philanthropic Planning

  • Philanthropic planning allows you to perform good deeds like helping those in need or funding a cause close to your heart. With proper financial planning, you may easily take advantage of all the tax deductions for which you are eligible.

  • Education Funding Planning

  • If your children or other dependents indicate an interest in receiving financial assistance to cover the cost of college, you should take the necessary steps to make that happen. A well-planned financial strategy may help you achieve your goal.

  • Investment Planning

  • Even though financial planning often involves asset management, it helps with your investment portfolioby deciding how much to invest and what to invest in.

  • Insurance Planning

  • Insurance needs might be better understood with the help of financial planners because they are also licensed insurance brokers; some financial advisers may even be allowed to sell you insurance policies directly. Still, the commission they will likely get creates a potential conflict of interest.

  • Budgeting

  • Making a budget is a crucial part of any financial strategy. By keeping your spending in check relative to your income, a financial planner may assist you in staying out of debt.

What is a Comprehensive Financial Plan?

A complete and comprehensive financial plan should include all aspects of a person's or company's economic situation, goals, and initiatives. Financial planning enhances a person's ability to make prudent judgments and prepare for their financial future. Think of everything that may go wrong with your finances, such as changes in the market, inflation, illness, incapacity, or even death. You can assess your risk tolerance, savings, and insurance needs according to this strategy.

To start this crucial process, follow the steps below to create a successful financial plan:

  • Setting SMART objectives

  • First things first when it comes to financial planning: setting targets. A SMART objective is defined as one that is relevant, concrete, measurable, and achievable within a specific time frame. To illustrate the point, a SMART goal would include more than merely expressing the intention to retire rich. But a SMART goal would be to put up five crores of rupees for retirement,ideally before you are sixty.

  • Make a Budget

  • If you want to achieve your goals without risk, you should invest all the money you can. This will require cutting down on wasteful spending and then reinvesting the money.

  • Develop an investment plan

  • In this phase, you will choose an investment opportunity. For instance, owing to their minimal risk, fixed deposits and mutual fundsare excellent choices for short-term investments, but equities are better suited for long-term investments.

    A diverse investment plan includes gold, debt, Indian and overseas stocks, and bonds. How you allocate your assets is dependent on your risk profile, which requires you to assess your risk tolerance. For instance, you need to ask yourself whether a 20% to 30% decline in your portfolio is something you can live with. If you answered yes, you may invest in equities. But if they say no, you should reduce your stock allocation.

    This risk tolerance assessment considers many things, such as your age, salary, way of life, debts, responsibilities, etc. Looking at your character and how you deal with adversity could tell you a lot about your risk profile. Risk profiling has traditionally included categorising investors as conservative, moderate, or aggressive.

  • Monitoring and Rebalancing

  • There is no such thing as a one-and-done investment approach. After formulating an investment plan, it is critical to track its development toward predetermined goals. At regular intervals, you should eliminate underperforming investment opportunities to provide space for more promising ones. You should also adjust your asset allocation regularly. If you don't, your investments can do something completely different from originally planned, leading to unforeseen outcomes.

When to Create a Financial Plan?

Building a financial plan is an action that anybody can do, regardless of their age, stage of life, or company development. There are several times and situations when it would be wise to create or evaluate a financial plan:

  • Making a budget to monitor income, healthcare expenses, and debt is essential in the early years when one has just started working. This is the time to set goals and build a solid financial foundation, helping you save money and focus on investing.
  • In a committed partnership like marriage, the partners often pool their resources and strive to achieve a common financial goal.The time is right to create a joint financial plan for shared goals, spending, and saving techniques.
  • Taking care of young children, paying for their education, and saving for their future costs all add up as a family grows. A financial strategy for the family's future may help with these expenses.
  • The purchase of a house is a big financial commitment that requires consistent savings. Using a budget will also help you evaluate possible properties in relation to down payments, interest rates, and monthly payments.
  • Whether you are beginning a new business, already at a new job, or preparing to retire, any shift in your position description might impact how much money you spend, make, and save in your long-term saving goals. They should revise their financial plan as quickly as possible to include any changes to their income, any benefits, or any ways they are saving for retirement.
  • Landmark moments of life, like succeeding in an inheritance lawsuit, being divorced, or being unable to take care of a spouse after he/she is dead, have profound financial consequences. A financial plan would be a way of moving through these changes, keeping your possessions away from harm and helping you not suffer when times become too hard for you.

Some of the benefits of financial planninginclude:

  • Clarity and Focus

  • By outlining one's goals and current financial situation, financial planning helps one focus one's efforts and resources where they will have the most impact in achieving one's objectives.

  • Goal Achievement

  • No matter your financial objectives—a down payment on a home, retirement, or college- financial planningmay help you remain on track and achieve them.

  • Improved Financial Management

  • Budgeting, cash flow analysis, and debt management are all parts of financial planning that lead to better control and utilisation of finances.

  • Risk Management

  • Through risk assessment and mitigation strategies, financial planninghelps individuals and organisations protect themselves against unexpected events such as market downturns, health problems, or job loss.

  • Maximised Returns

  • By analysing investment possibilities, asset allocation, and tax refundsschemes, financial planners seek to maximise earnings while minimising losses and taxes.

  • Financial Security

  • A well-planned financial strategy may provide a safety net and encourage long-term economic stability, which may help individuals and their families ultimately become financially independent.

  • Peace of Mind

  • When one has a well-planned strategy to achieve their financial goals and overcome challenges, they may relax and enjoy life.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility

  • Making necessary changes to financial plans enables individuals and organisations to be adaptive and flexible when faced with new opportunities and challenges.

Objectives of Financial Planning

Some of the objectives of financial planningare:

  • Always be very specific at the time of setting financial objectives such as retirement, debt repayment, or investing. These objectives should be measurable.
  • Thoroughly assess your income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and cash flow to know where you stand financially and how to improve it.
  • Risk assessment determines the probability of adverse outcomes. One can then develop strategies to cope with them. These outcomes include market fluctuations, pricing changes, health issues, or income loss.
  • Long-term financial planningis necessary to ensure that all investments, resources, and activities are aligned with the planned results.
  • The core principle of resource allocation is determining the optimal distribution of limited financial resources among several critical demands, such as saving, investing, paying off debt, and living expenses.
  • Tax planning is the process of organising one's financial affairs to minimise taxable income, maximise eligible tax deductions and credits, and invest in strategies to postpone or avoid paying taxes completely.

The amount of money you'll require for financial planning is heavily influenced by your planner's price structure. Financial advisors who provide planning services often charge either a flat fee or an hourly fee.

By opting for a flat rate, you may consolidate all your financial planningexpenses into a single payment. Your total cost of financial planningwill be based on how complex your financial planning needs are. If your advisor uses an hourly fee structure, you'll have to pay a certain amount for each hour they spend on your project.

When a financial adviser or planner offers their customers investing advice in addition to financial planning, they may charge a wrap fee. A flat fee will cover all the advisor's expenses, including transaction and custody fees. Wrap fee rates are often calculated as a percentage of the client's under-managed assets or AUM.


A well-planned financial strategy that considers all aspects of your financial life may help you meet your responsibilities and achieve your goals. College funding, philanthropic planning, tax preparation, and estate planning are all a part of it.

What is the meaning of financial planning?

Financial planningis an assessment of current financial status, establishing long-term goals, and formulating a plan to achieve those goals in the most efficient way feasible.

What is the objective of a financial plan?

A well-thought-out financial plan may help you achieve your financial goals, manage your money effectively, and secure your financial future.

What are the 4 basics of financial planning?

Establishing objectives, evaluating current conditions, formulating a plan of action, and monitoring and tweaking that plan are key.

Why is it necessary to create a Financial Plan?

A well-thought-out financial plan is critical for reaching financial goals, efficiently managing resources, and alleviating financial stress.

What is personal financial planning?

Personal financial plans are based on each person's unique circ*mstances, goals, and priorities regarding money.

What are the 5 steps of financial planning?

The five steps of financial planningare determining objectives, analysing current conditions, formulating a strategy, implementing that strategy, and following up with regular reviews and assessments.

What is long-term financial planning?

In long-term planning, the financial goals span a long time, sometimes many decades. You must prepare ahead of time and carry out your plans to achieve your objectives.

What is short-term financial planning?

Short-term financial goals, such as creating a budget, setting aside money for unexpected expenses, and managing one's cash flow, are commonly achieved in a year or less.

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What is Financial Planning? Definition, Benefits and Purpose (2024)


What is Financial Planning? Definition, Benefits and Purpose? ›

A financial plan is a comprehensive picture of your current finances, your financial goals and any strategies you've set to achieve those goals. Good financial planning should include details about your cash flow, savings, debt, investments, insurance and any other elements of your financial life.

What is financial planning and its benefits? ›

To begin with, you must understand what financial planning is. Financial planning refers to planning your expenses, saving, and investing in the right places for a secure future. It would help if you considered your income, analysed your expenditure, and saved for the future.

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The financial planning process includes multiple tasks, including: Confirming the vision and objectives of the business. Assessing the business environment and company priorities. Identifying which resources the business needs to achieve its objectives. Assigning costs business costs centers included in the plan.

What is financial planning in your own words? ›

Financial planning involves a thorough evaluation of one's money situation (income, spending, debt, and saving) and expectations for the future. It can be created independently or with the help of a certified financial planner.

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Your financial plan can give you the full lay of the land: You'll know what your goals are, how much time you have to reach them, and how comfortable you are with risk.

Which of the following are benefits of financial planning? ›

Creating financial security

Financial planning can protect your money and income and provide you with long-term financial security. A solid financial plan should include both a safety net to help cover unexpected life events and investment strategies that align with your short- and long-term needs.

What are the 4 basics of financial planning? ›

Use this step-by-step financial planning guide to become more engaged with your finances now and into the future.
  • Assess your financial situation and typical expenses. ...
  • Set your financial goals. ...
  • Create a plan that reflects the present and future. ...
  • Fund your goals through saving and investing.
Apr 21, 2023

What is the value of financial planning? ›

People who work with a financial planner report a better quality of life, enjoy more financial confidence and resilience and are more satisfied with their financial situation. Money can be a source of stress and worry, and the rising cost of living is the top financial concern for people around the world.

What is the summary of financial plan? ›

A financial plan includes three major financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. A financial plan answers essential questions and helps track progress toward goals. Financial management software gives decision-makers the tools they need to make strategic decisions.

What is true about financial planning? ›

Financial planning involves examining one's entire financial picture, understanding how all of the pieces fit together and then creating a series of actionable goals that are both short and long term. This encompasses strategies to get through tax season, saving for your kid's education, retirement and more.

Why did we need a financial plan? ›

Wherever you are in your financial journey, a financial plan can help you identify your goals — and show you where you are today and outline what you need to do to reach your goals. Most importantly, a financial plan will provide you with a road map of clear action steps to get you from here to there.

What are the pros and cons of financial planning? ›

Its benefits include better control over finances, reduced stress, and increased likelihood of achieving goals. Pros include improved decision-making and long-term financial security. Cons may include the cost of professional advice and the time required for planning.

What are the 5 importances of personal financial planning? ›

Expenditure, income, savings, investments, and protection are the five areas that are critical to shaping your personal financial planning.

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