return the color of my autumn - TheDarkness_Bookstan - 原神 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Bitter tea and bad memories Chapter Text Chapter 2: Supposed to do Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Order and peace Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Leaves and eyes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Tomorrow Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: To build a home Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Divine Royalty Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Beidou adopts Kazuha Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: i break up Chapter Text Chapter 10: Scara is highly suspicious Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: an incomparable royalty Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: say you love me Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Kazuha is your soulmate Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Revolution Is Coming Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Sweet souls Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Until i can see you Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: what did you dream about Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: i swer my demons hide Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: When the lights fade (dont wanna hear the truth Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: You bring me a believer Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: I'll catch you Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: hey man Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: (Istaroth, Istaroth Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Dont get too close, its dark inside Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Soul out of your body Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Happy promises Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Fireworks Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Wake my soul Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Hall of fame Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Hot n' warm Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Tell me pretty lies Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Innocent Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: how i love Kazuha and hate he at same time Chapter Text Chapter 34: Kazuha Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: I with you until the end of the world. Chapter Text Chapter 36: East of Eden Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Who are you Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 38: You not hurt me (no more) Chapter Text Chapter 39: Achilles, Achilles Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: i live alone, im royalty Chapter Text Chapter 41: A cup of tea Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: you are devil Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 43: hurt me, comfort me Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: Horns Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 45: pretty lies Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 46: all for you Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: Ballader Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 49 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 50 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 51 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 52 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 53 Chapter Text Chapter 54 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 55 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 56 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 57 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 58 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61: best day in my life Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 62: The sharp fox Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 63: How crazy you can be? Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 64: Two idiots and a hospital bed Chapter Text Chapter 65: Has only silence Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 66: Where the phoenix awakens Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 67: Contracts Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 68: i believe Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 69: Dancing in the dawn Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 70: Royalty Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 71: The Ballader Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 72: things you cant hear Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 73: Yokai love Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 74: Baby im the one who put you there Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 75: I not likes you (sorry, my little brother) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 76: it come and go in fire Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 77: lies (no lie) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 78: Murata and Tartaglia Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 79: You re everthing than the gold try to be Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 80: Say you remember me Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 81: because im tired Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 82: i cant hide my demons Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 83: dandelion in the wind go, where are you Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 84: bad days bring good moments Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 85: The Final Revange. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 86: They Call Me Royalty Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 87: Someone To You Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 88: and if... Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Bitter tea and bad memories

Chapter Text

Kunikusushi felt such uncontrollable rage, furious and trapped in that Tenshukako, a beautiful cage for a storm bird. He was dissatisfied, he felt like lightning contained the earth. His creator, that failure of a goddess, wanted to contain him to a no man's land for being unable to hold that stupid chess piece that wasn't even worth half of it, just kept it hidden as if it couldn't hold the proof of Celestia's manipulation. was a cause for shame.

AND? Should he be something less than he is? That just goes to show how much she wants to control him. The puppet prefers not to be controlled either here or in the next century, but – Kuni thinks listlessly – there are always people who want to tame the storm.

No, he prefers to stay contained, thank you very much.

He also knows, – or Kunikusushi heard it from the rumors of those few maids in the confines of this Shogun palace, – that in these years Raiden has finally gone mad. He has heard that she is taking the ambitions of humans into a new and fabulous decree.

Kuni expected no less, but it's still a little ridiculous to know that these foolish mortals are allowing their lives to be ruined like this just because Shogun is their goddess. Kuni is also theoretically a god. You don't see him doing such antics.

But it's not his problem...‐ it's Shogun Raiden's problem and who she lets in. Kunikusushi hopes that she won't remember him for many centuries.

He sighs and methodically continues to make his tea that tastes like bitter medicine. It's his only favorite thing, the taste of leaves as bitter as his life.

He grunts and spills the teapot.

He's about to take a long, sweet drink of his bitterness before a knock rattles the window's hinges and he knocks the cup over himself in fright.

"What the hell-!" He screams. "I just want to drink my tea, Raiden Shogun!"

Another knock on the window, this one more helpless, shaking dust from the ceiling.

Kunikusushi approaches that window cautiously. He opens the curtains that possibly haven't been opened in a millennium and looks carefully through the other side.

A boy in the color of autumn raises his hand in hello. He's stuck in the tree.

"f*ck it's too early for that." Kuni says helplessly, looking at the beauty of the strange bird that shook the motionless Tenshukako.

Chapter 2: Supposed to do


When Scaramouche opens the window, a bird enters and leaves with him.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Who are you?!'' Scaramouche spat. ''Aren't you afraid of Raiden Shogun's wrath, foolish mortal?''

''No.'' The mortal replied calmly, pulling a leaf from his hair. Scaramouche blinked, already fed up with this mortal, but an annoying hint of curiosity showed. Who wouldn't be afraid of gods? He remembers how he was locked in tenshukako. It was a famous and fawned palace, and thousands of mortals roared that they would remember it, even after he was thrown into this eternal darkness, and the mortal he... loved, he swore too, that he or his descendants, one would free. it. He looked puzzled at the mortal brushing the sheets off his clothing before him. Could it be a Kaedehara?

''Mortal'' muttered Scaramouche, displeased. The possible Kaedehara looked at him in curiosity. ''What's your clan?''

''Kaedehara.'' The Kaedehara muttered under his breath. ''Kazuha.''

Scaramouche caught him in a bridal position. From there he could see the flush of embarrassment on Kaedehara's cheeks. ''Let's go,'' growled Scaramouche.

''W-where to??'' questioned Kaedehara, cheeks still red.

Scaramouche looked at him, displeased. ''You are a Kaedehara.'' He exclaimed in exasperation.

Kaedehara looked at him with wide eyes. ''And?''

''Listen,'' Scaramouche said, losing patience. ''Unless suddenly all of Inazuma's clans have repudiated leadership, you should know who I am. Your ancestors made a promise to me. They...would rescue me...from this cell...wouldn't they?'' Scaramouche's voice broke in the middle in uncertainty, but quickly he looked at Kazuha in confidence. Kazuha looked sad.

''Actually,'' Kaedehara said quietly. ''I'm the only Kaedehara left. Raiden banished us all.'' Scaramouche dropped him.

''Aww'' Kazuha muttered.

''What the f*ck.'' Scaramouche sighed, and then helped the boy to his feet. ''But you're still going to help me out, that's indisputable.''

''I-I?!'' murmured Kaedehara, looking at him with wide eyes. ''B-but I... I've been told you're a god. I am a devotee of the goddess of time Istaroth. I should train with you.''

''And?'' scoffed Scaramouche. ''I've waited for you for ages. Istaroth devotee or whoever. The Tsaritsa herself might try to stop it.'' He said softly.

Kazuha looked towards the window. ''Well, you can leave now, right?''

''What an idiot.'' Snorted Scaramouche. ''Of course not, I'll be repulsed by a barrier, or else I'd have been out ages ago,'' he explained.

Kazuha nodded quietly.

'' leave, I should hold your hand.'' Scaramouche said hesitantly. ''I suppose it's okay for me to do that?'' he asked.

Kazuha nodded, offering his hand.



Chapter 3: Order and peace


Where kazuha and scara jump off a two-story building

Chapter Text

The walk was slow and long, as Scaramouche had not expected it to be. What's wrong with walking to a window? He would see the world for the first time in centuries. But was this the world he wanted to see?

He kind of remembers someone walking from what he hopes is Inazuma to the plains of guili, and then across the Jivari Sea. Bennett, he thinks that's the name. The Lavawalker.

Kazuha touched his sleeve. ''We can go? I don't like being where Raiden rules. She...'' Kaedehara Kazuha hesitated to share.

''What?' mocked Scaramouche. ''I don't care about your mortal things.''

''No.'' Kazuha said, calmly. He took a deep breath before sharing softly. ''She killed my friend.'' ''Mhmm.'' Scara shrugged, uninterested. The mortal sighed in relief.

''Then where do we go?'' asked Scaramouche. ''I'm just warning you that I only have two mora.''

''Kind of exotic living in a palace and only having two mora.'' Kazuha snorted.

''I'm exotic,'' Scaramouche snapped.

Kazuha shrugged, climbing onto the windowsill.

''Careful.'' Scaramouche warned. ''Wherever you go, I go.''

Kazuha gave a mischievous smile, and Scaramouche barely registered the tug of his hand before Kazuha jumped out the window.


Kazuha just chuckled, before a gust of wind gently dropped them to the ground.

Scaramouche stared at him open-mouthed. ''Are you a god???''

Kazuha laughed, a bit awkwardly. ''A mortal, but I have a vision.''

''That I can see.'' Scaramouche snorted. ''You're clearly not blind.''

''No-no...'' Kazuha sighed. ''A vision is something Celestia gives to some people that allows them to use the power of the gods.''

Scaramouche looked at him with wide eyes. He seemed to know almost nothing about the world, almost as if he had been in the palace for five hundred years.

Chapter 4: Leaves and eyes


''What are you two foreigners doing outside Inazuma?''

''Uh... Eating leaves??'' Said Kazuha , with white face.

Scaramouche sighed.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Well, that's clearly...unusual.'' Scaramouche snorted. ''Of course, you're still not at my level, but...''

Kazuha shrugged. ''I live with the sun and the leaves, I don't need anything else, though an anemic vision is of great use.''

Scara sighed, her hand still clinging to him, even as they descended to the ground.

He cautiously touched the grass. Observing.

''Nothing seems to have changed,'' he muttered to himself.

Kazuha cracked a smile. ''Well, I'm already going to town. Perhaps I can accompany you there?''

Scaramouche shrugged, walking forward. Kazuha caught up with him easily. They walked in peaceful silence, until Scaramouche sighed. ''Listen, I have no idea where the 'city is, so be less stupid and lead the way!''

Kazuha smiled widely.

He broke into a run like the wind, Scaramouche struggling to keep up.

He was out of breath after half an hour of this, but he looked up and- Inazuma was dazzled before his eyes. It was no longer the small village of years ago, but a large and prosperous city.

He walked carefully, as if this dream was going to shatter and he would end up back there, locked in Tenshukako.

Kazuha blew a leaf, her eyes pointing to a grocery store.

Wonderful, Scaramouche would love to satisfy this idiotic mortal's desires. (sarcasm)

''Let's go.'' Kazuha invited.

Scaramouche sighed, but walked beside him. None of these stores pleased him, not even the smell of spice, but Kazuha handed over some gold coins (mora, probably?) and bought two fish, a purple-colored thing, two purple-colored drinks and a soup.

Scaramouche snorted. ''You must be delusional if you think I'm going to eat any of this.''

Kazuha shrugged. ''I'll eat.''

''You'll get a stomach ache,'' Scaramouche warned.

The mortal barely listened, practically devouring all of the fish. Scaramouche watched with interest as he ate his soup, looking like he hadn't eaten in years. ''Where do we go after this?'' Scaramouche asked.

''I go where the wind takes me.'' Kazuha replied, sipping a purple drink. ''It's rare for me to stay in cities, so I enjoy it as I can.''

''Why don't you live in the city, then?''

''I want to see the world, any way I can. It's advantageous.''

Scaramouche nodded. ''Well, I barely have anywhere to go.'' He scoffed under his breath.

''If you want you can come with me.''

Scaramouche looked at him abruptly. ''How do I know you won't kidnap me? It's suspicious.''

''Well, you'll find that out if you go with me. And you don't look helpless either.'' Scara rolled her eyes.

''All right, poor mortal. I'll go with you, idiot.''

Kazuha nudged his shoulder. ''I don't think we're going anywhere.''


Kazuha pointed at a crackling ball of electricity. Scaramouche noticed its details. It had lightning crackling all around it, and it was as thick as air, if it could float like that.

He sighed.

''It's a memory eye. These things appear randomly, according to the ley line. It shows a completely random past, but it would be useful for you.''

''But the question is how we see it.'' Kazuha pondered.

Scaramouche snorted. ''Idiot, let's ignore him. I don't like anything that has to do with the Electro Archon.''

''How this...''

''It's lightning, electricity.'' Scaramouche explained irritably. ''Anything resembling lightning is her domain.''

Kazuha pondered further. ''But it wouldn't be proper...''

''No.'' Scara cut her off. ''Are we going where you're going or are you just going to stand there wanting to touch a ball of electricity? Most mortals perish, you know.''

Kazuha seemed to have finally given up on the subject. ''But how do you know what they are anyway?'


''The memory balls.''



''Eye.'' Scaramouche turned to him, irritated. ''It's memory eye. No balls.''

''Same thing.'' Kazuha said simply. ''Eyes are balls.''

''What... No!''

''They are.'' Kazuha insisted.

''I'm going to stab its eye and see if it bounces,'' threatened Scaramouche.

Kazuha nodded. ''That means I won.''

''Have you ever seen a bouncing eye? That says a lot about your mental health.''

''No, but...'' Kazuha stopped. ''Eyes are balls, your eyes are not square or triangle.''

''I could rip your eyes out and cut them into cubes,'' Scaramouche offered irritably.

''I'll eat them with jello.'' Kazuha smiled sweetly.

''...'' Scaramouche picked up a crab from the sand. ''I doubt you'll eat that one.''

Kazuha grimaced. ''I'd rather not... This little guy hasn't done anything and I'm not hungry.''

Scaramouche snorted, dropping the crab onto the sand with surprising care. ''I told your fat ass not to eat all that.''

''I would hardly eat a live crab under normal circ*mstances.'' Kazuha grimaced.

''Your eye is alive.''


''Yes it is!''


''Don't you want any more Jell-O?'' scoffed Scaramouche.

''You are highly despicable.''

''I don't eat jello for breakfast.''

''Must eat sand with that dirty mouth.''

Scaramouche stuck out his tongue.

A leaf landed on her tongue, Scara rapidly blinking and spitting violently while Kazuha managed a serene smile. ''Apparently you eat leaves.''


''What are you two foreigners doing outside Inazuma?''

''Uh... Eating leaves??'' Said Kazuha , with white face.

Scaramouche sighed.

The guard pointed his spear. ''If they are planning evil plans, I, Samurai of the Tenryou Commission, will stop them!''

''NO!'' Kazuha shouted, quickly curling up. ''We... uh, we heard that lavender melon tastes really good with sakura petals.''

The Samurai's face darkened, but he didn't seem willing to attack them anymore. ''So you're one of those weird 'gormets' who came to inazuma before the decree, huh? Guess what, you're going to puke at the sight of Sakura after a few more months. Everyone does.''

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche, and they both sighed in relief as the guard walked away.

''Big mouth.'' Scaramouche growled. ''That must be why it eats so much fish, its mouth is the ocean itself.''

Kazuha sneered. ''If mine is the ocean yours is the mudflat.''

Scaramouche snorted. ''But what up, let's eat these Sakuras? The guard is still looking at us suspiciously.''

In fact, the Samurai kept an eye on them, near the shop where they ate the fish.

Well, technically me. - Kazuha thought.

Scaramouche tried to pick up a cluster. Petals fled like small butterflies. Scaramouche frowned. He tried one more time. The petals fled. Scaramouche snorted. ''Damn it, I can't catch them!''

''Come on man.'' Kazuha frowned. ''I just realized I've been calling you face in my mind the whole way.''

Scara snorted.

''It's Scaramouche.'' It whispered like a secret.

''Nice name.'' Scaramouche's shoulders relaxed. That name was erased from history many years ago, but he still worried idiotically that anyone would recognize him.


Hehe:3 hii!

Chapter 5: Tomorrow


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kazuha thought a lot about a poem. It wasn't like him to think so tenderly.

''The wind blows, the leaf hears...'' He thought aloud.

''What? Are you going crazy?'' Scaramouche scoffed.

''Of course not Scara.'' Kazuha said, and then... ''Ah! Yes, 'the breeze rises.'''

Scara scoffed under his breath. ''It looks like I've been trapped by a crazy person.''

They continued walking in silence.

''Hey, Scara!''

''My name isn't Scara...''

''Want me to play a song...''

''A SNAKE IN YOUR HAIR.'' Kazuha shook her hands quickly, trying take out the invisible snake.

''HAHAHAHAH'' Scara laughed. ''Y-you... you BELIEVED!''

Kazuha frowned. ''Isn't it cool does- YAE MIKO??!''

Scara looked back quickly. ''You fool! Do not play with that! We might get caught!''

''Relax.'' Kazuha said calmly. ''I would be able to smell something divine quickly.''

''But you can't run away so quickly.'' Scara retorted. Kazuha sighed. ''Why don't we sleep? Leave it for tomorrow.''


I like reading your comments, and... kuddos? :3333

Chapter 6: To build a home


Kazuha and what he want for ages


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scara wasn't an obnoxious companion.

Kazuha couldn't say she loved him. It was a lie.

He began to open up to friends, but the sky turned to fire and the earth to dust, and there was no room for the breeze, so he closed himself in again. No one could hold back the wind.

They wanted to build a house for him to live within four walls, but the breeze cannot be caged.

It hurts to breathe. How futile, for someone who is the red breeze.

He didn't care anymore. Take your breath and breathe for it. He didn't care.

The sky sang different songs, and not everyone was skilled at listening. They wanted so badly to talk and talk and brag about themselves.

Kazuha had promised someone dead that it wouldn't be like this. He wanted to hear.

Scara wasn't an obnoxious companion. He was also not someone wanted.

Kazuha didn't care about that.



Chapter 7: Divine Royalty


''Mmmm caramel.'' Kazuha sighed. ''What a good smell.''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The day was quite lively, with Scara mumbling behind Kazuha as they passed through the colorful Inazuma.

It was calm and promised much, much.

''Mmmm caramel.'' Kazuha sighed. ''What a good smell.''

Kazuha was shining in the sun, and Scara counted the stains on her arms, saw how red her eyes were. Not even a god could look like that.

Scara hid his face in his hands. ''Why were you having ridiculous thoughts like that?''

Kazuha was enjoying caramels again.

Scara's heart felt like syrup.

They never learn.

Guards everywhere, confiscating freedom, confiscating visions.

Scara lightly touched Kazuha.

''Do you think we can sneak through?'' Kazuha whispered tensely.

''I don't know.'' Scara whispered, softly. ''They probably have a target, and it may or may not be us. I never pretended to understand Raiden Shogun's motives.


I have a new story that I am very pleased with

Chapter 8: Beidou adopts Kazuha


''We have to escape.'' Scara stated.

''Where? We are surrounded by guards, they would notice our escape.''

''Hey kids.'' Kazuha felt her blood run cold. A hand easily grabbed them from behind.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''We have to escape.'' Scara stated.

''Where? We are surrounded by guards, they would notice our escape.''

''Hey kids.'' Kazuha felt her blood run cold. A hand easily grabbed them from behind.

''Are they your children?'' A guard asked.

The strong lady nodded. Kazuha found himself escorted with Scaramouche to a ship, against all odds, and against his will.

He had built a home without wanting to.

Kazuha had no pretensions that it was something he could maintain, but until the winds stopped blowing, he would try. Keeping Scara safe was his priority.

He held Scara's hand, both of them cradled beneath the woman's shoulders.

When they reached a safe distance, she whispered in both ears. ''I'm not a kidnapper. You guys looked like you needed help. My name is Beidou.'' Kazuha didn't let her guard down, and neither did Scara.

''My Crux fleet has empty seats. If you want, we'll take you both out of Inazuma.'' She whispered.

Kazuha looked into Scara's eyes. ''Shall we?''

Scara reluctantly agreed. ''If that woman tries anything I'll kick her until I return to Inazuma.''

''Very bold kid.'' Beidou snorted.


;) liked?

Chapter 9: i break up

Chapter Text

The journey across the sea was turbulent. With Beidou and Scaramouche looking at each other as if they could start a fight at any moment and the sailors getting drunk every night, Kazuha barely got any rest. He had to work harder, harder, so he would fall into bed without regretting the noise in his sensitive ears.

This was what led him to ask Beidou to take the position of watching the sea. That corner was unmistakably quiet, and Kazuha could smell a storm approaching hours before it arrived.

Scaramouche was completely troublesome, pestering him, but Kazuha came to find his encounters on the ship fascinating rather than irritating. He could understand why Scaramouche was trapped in that room, but he also couldn't understand why the hell Scara was trapped in the Tenshukako. Maybe he was horrible at communicating, but not even the most introverted people could get a place at Tenshukako to stay idle. Only Raiden Shogun could.

Kazuha blinked, his gaze flying over the clouds.

In Inazuma there used to be a lot of clouds all the time. Or at least when Shogun Raiden was angry. Kazuha liked the smell of the breeze when it wasn't charged with electro.

Kazuha looked at Scara. All he could muster was a smile, but Scaramouche's eyes sparkled.

Chapter 10: Scara is highly suspicious


Tomo was his love, and Kazuha hesitates to talk about it, but the day he died approached and Kazuha couldn't find the strength to hold back the tears. All I wanted was to be stuck in that blanket for the rest of the day. The silence and the decision seemed like a threat...


It's okay to be down

Chapter Text

Scara was a very efficient source of noise when it came to provoking someone, or at least that was what you could see on his face. Forced to travel together, and later sail together in the Crux fleet, Kazuha could see beyond this wall that Scara deliberately did not allow anyone to enter.

It made him anxious. It was ironic for someone who was known for his calm, but Scaramouche certainly found a way to make the poet's heart beat.

He didn't have the courage to say it. Scaramouche clearly had no feelings for him. It was better to watch in silence.

He was at a crossroads, and for the first time he didn't know which way to go.

Tomo was his love, and Kazuha hesitates to talk about it, but the day he died approached and Kazuha couldn't find the strength to hold back the tears. All I wanted was to be stuck in that blanket for the rest of the day. The silence and the decision seemed like a threat...

A knock on the door. ''Hey! Are you giving birth??! Fainted you idiot??!''

When there was no response, Scaramouche forcefully opened the door, only to see Kazuha crying.

He approached gently. ''What it was? Are you...''

''No, I'm not fine, if you can tell.'' Kazuha sniffed.

Scaramouche sighed. ''Look, I'm not the best at comforting others, but it's always good to share some of your suffering. Carrying it alone is idiotic.''

''You were calling me an idiot two minutes ago.''

''That doesn't count.'' Scaramouche paused for a moment. ''If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Just know that I'm not leaving here.''

''They kidnapped you and replaced you with someone else.''

Scara gave a broken smile. ''They also replaced you, the Kazuha I know wouldn't miss sweets day, even if it was just to get the caramels.''

''It's just...'' Kazuha said, sighing.

''All good. Do you want to play something?''

Chapter 11: an incomparable royalty


Kazuha looked at Scaramouche, who at that moment saw that he couldn't say no to Kaedehara.

Chapter Text

Kaedehara Kazuha and Scaramouche were in the seventh game of the same game, until a commotion was heard.

Above, the fatui raised his hammer. ''Hand over Lord Scaramouche!''

''Under my corpse!'' growled Beidou.

Scaramouche left with a hard look. ''I am no longer a Harbinger, I thought I made that clear.''

The fatui knelt. ''L-lord Scaramouche. Forgive me for my boldness. Snezhnaya needs you.''

''I already said no.'' Scaramouche replied, but Kazuha intervened. ''What happened?''

The fatui sighed. ''Children dying of hunger, disunity of the Harbingers, conflict.''

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche, who at that moment saw that he couldn't say no to Kaedehara.

''Do you have proof?'' The fatui looked up hopefully. Scara sighed. ''You better not be thinking about deceiving me. How would I be useful in all this?'' The fatui lowered his voice. ''We need someone to run Fireplace House while Senhora Arlecchino is away. There's been some kind of problem at Fontaine, and supplies aren't arriving. Since Lord Scaramouche is friendly with the Crux fleet, we hope the delivery can be made.''

Scaramouche snorted. ''Who said I'm good with children? I even understand the part about the fleet, but children?''

''Lord Scaramouche is already better than half of the Harbingers. Only Lord Tartaglia can be good, and he is involved in Fointaine's situation.'' The Fatui lowered his gaze in admiration. ''Command us again, Lord Scaramouche.''

Chapter 12: say you love me


a pile of socially lost stones

Chapter Text

For a time Scaramouche sat in the hall of fame. He was a Harbinger. He was someone.

Of course compared to old Kunikuzushi he felt proud. All it took was a turn of the hand, a snap of the fingers, a drop of his power and armies would fall under his hands. How can you not be proud of that?

But over time he discovered the truth. He was being manipulated.

The trip on the Snezhnaya steamboat was surprisingly smooth. Scara had heard great things about these boats, and they truly lived up to the praise. As a wanderer and an Inazuman he internally enjoyed the trip and how fast it went.

Kazuha was shivering from the cold when they disembarked, the bags on her back almost falling over from the tremors.

Secretly Scara pushed the bags toward himself and took Kazuha into a warm hug.

He wanted something he couldn't achieve. It took him years to realize that gnosis shouldn't be his. It took years and a dead boy.

Scara hasn't taken risks like this in a long time, but Kazuha seemed to awaken a side of him that would do anything for this stranger with white hair and eyes as red as autumn.

He kept hidden truths. He held something warm inside the ice that surrounded his heart. Kazuha melted a hole in the ice and dove into the warm waters. Scara didn't know what to do about it. He wished he could hate Kazuha.

Chapter 13: Kazuha is your soulmate


Kazuha blushed. ''Do you think my mouth is pretty?''

Scara snorted, hiding a blush. ''I think all mouths are beautiful.''

''That doesn't match your personality.''

''Shut up!''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''What the hell do you mean?!''

''You and Kazuha are twin souls.'' The Cryo Archon replied without flinching.

''No way!''

''You're talking to the goddess of love.'' The Tsaritsa corrected.

''But... still... no chance!''

''I don't care. Just accept the invitation to be my Harbinger, or I will spread the word to the four corners of the world that Raiden Puppett has escaped from his little home in Tenshukako.''

Scara's eyes twitched. ''I don't care about this nonsense! Tell anyone you want, she'll never be able to arrest me again! Not while I have my head!''

''Under my corpse!'' Kazuha growled. Scara blinked in surprise and turned around.

The Archon laughed. ''Of course, of course. One day you will still be mine, whether I like it or not.''

On the way back to the gates, Scara whispered aggressively. ''Next time, keep your pretty mouth closed.''

Kazuha blushed. ''Do you think my mouth is pretty?''

Scara snorted, hiding a blush. ''I think all mouths are beautiful.''

''That doesn't match your personality.''

''Shut up!''

Kazuha was too mesmerizing for a person like Scara.


I hope you enjoyed. <3

Chapter 14: Revolution Is Coming


''So the troops go east...''

''The eastern mountains are too cold to travel, you idiot. We don't want to freeze.'' Scaramouche insisted. ''Order the troops to make a detour to the south, via the mountain range shortcut. Not only is it stable, but the terrain is well known and difficult. Terrain like this is perfect for ambushing enemies.''

The room fell silent.


Scaramouche does everything for Kazuha

Chapter Text

One paper caught Scaramouche's attention. The captain was reading aloud.

''So the troops go east...''

''The eastern mountains are too cold to travel, you idiot. We don't want to freeze.'' Scaramouche insisted. ''Order the troops to make a detour to the south, via the mountain range shortcut. Not only is it stable, but the terrain is well known and difficult. Terrain like this is perfect for ambushing enemies.''

The room fell silent.

Scara coughed. ''Of course, if they want to die...''

Everyone looked at him with open mouths. ''THE CAPTAIN IS BACK! SAVE LORD HARBINGER!'' Soon everyone began to shout in symphony. Five minutes after leaving the Tsaritsa tono's hall, he was back. The soldiers shouted behind them.


Kazuha looked at him impressed, her eyes shining. Scaramouche had no option but to agree.

He didn't expect this time to be different.

Chapter 15: Sweet souls


''Hey Scara.'' Kazuha waved from across the room, catching the attention of half the guests. ''Me and my friends are going fishing! Happy holidays!''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Capitano was in the cafeteria, tasting a light pink candy with Columbina and Arlecchino.

''This candy is delicious.'' He said behind the mask. ''Who did it??''

''Scara's new boyfriend, Kazoo or something.''

''Kazuha.'' Columbina corrected.

''Yes yes. Columbina asked for pink sweets instead of the maple-shaped red ones. He was also making some cat-shaped ones.''

Capitano nodded, or maybe not.

Scarmouche put his hand to his forehead, an exasperated gesture. ''You're making sweets for world-famous assassins.''

''No,'' Kazuha corrected. ''I'm making sweets for you and your friends.''

Childe spat the tea into the distance.

''They're not my friends.'' Kazuha continued baking cookies.

The curtain opened grandly. ''Behold the eleven Harbingers! and... Kazuha.'' Kazuha waved in the background.

It was a special holiday or something. No one really cared, but it was a day free from any work except for the Harbingers. They should attend parties on any holiday.

It was tiring.

A fiery-haired god was happily chatting with Kazuha. Scaramouche was little concerned about Kazuha's worrying and slightly insane behaviors.

The god nodded, next to a lightning god. Were out contact information...?

''Hey Scara.'' Kazuha waved from across the room, catching the attention of half the guests. ''Me and my friends are going fishing! Happy holidays!''

Scara was less shocked by the fact that Kazuha went fishing with two gods and more by the fact that he used that ridiculous nickname to refer to him in a crowd of rich people. He composed himself, a little resentfully, but then a golden fishing invitation floated brightly through the air. Normally Scaramouche would ignore requests from gods, but Kazuha was there.

They spent the whole night fishing.

Kazuha waved at Bennett and Razor, while Scaramouche only gave a nod.

As soon as they returned to the palace, they put the fish to smoke. Scara secretly wanted to taste it.

''It smells like garbage.'' La Signora complained, turning her nose to the door. ''Couldn't you guys do that somewhere else?''

''Your perfume smells like sh*t too.'' Scara lied. ''Nobody can stand it, but do you see anyone complaining?''

Signora snorted, but left. ''I hope the fish burns.''

''HEY Scara! Prove it! The lower battalions will love it. Your friends too!''


I hope you liked :)

Chapter 16: Until i can see you


His heart was as hard as a diamond.

Kazuha would call him handsome.

His soul was fire.

Kazuha would call it comfortable.

His eyes were like the sky at night.

Kazuha would say it's full of stars.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

If Scaramouche was the battalion's mind, Kazuha was its heart. He took on the role of temporarily looking after the children at Casa da Lareira. Little by little, the fatui was heading on a better path.

That is, until Dottore finally shows up.

Dottore paced anxiously from one side of the Laboratory itself to the other. His copies had been refused by the Archon since the incident at Tatarasuna and the loss of a Harbinger. If she knew what else he had, he couldn't think about that now.

He walked back and forth. Ideas, ideas...

He stopped, his gaze becoming significantly crueler. If he could break the puppet and blame Kazuha and Scaramouche as yet another unfathomable case of tragedies... Kazuha was jealous of Scaramouche... Yes, yes!

The perfect plot to hide your most precious secrets.

Kazuha is just your friend. - Scara repeated.

He was your best friend... Certainly. Who would want someone as broken as him? Even if they could bear each other for a month, when Scaramouche reveals his darkest parts, Kazuha would leave.

His heart was as hard as a diamond.

Kazuha would call him handsome.

His soul was fire.

Kazuha would call it comfortable.

His eyes were like the sky at night.

Kazuha would say it's full of stars.


Liked it? Kuddos :3

Chapter 17: what did you dream about


Kazuha didn't stop walking down the hall, still with her eyes closed. Without even a moment of hesitation. ''Hey, weirdo! Open your eyes! See what I'm going to do to your lover!''

Kazuha's face remained still. Tranquil as if he were dead.

Kazuha seems susceptible to possession


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kazuha turned over, waking up quickly.

He was still sleeping, or at least, his body was.

He saw Scaramouche glare at Dottore's knife. He himself was chained.

Like a ghost, Kazuha stood there with his eyes closed.

Dottore turned and saw him. At that moment he was no longer Kazuha. ''HAHAHAHAH! Another point for the unlucky couple of lovers!''

Kazuha didn't stop walking down the hall, still with her eyes closed. Without even a moment of hesitation. ''Hey, weirdo! Open your eyes! See what I'm going to do to your lover!''

Kazuha's face remained still. Tranquil as if he were dead.

''Wha...'' For the first time, there was more than fascination, there was fear in Dottore's eyes.

''What are you?!'' Dottore's head fell, even though Scaramouche didn't see Kazuha's blade move an inch, nor her hands.

Hell, he didn't have anything mortally dangerous!

''You possessed Kazuha??!'' growled Kunikuzushi, Ballader and all that he is. Kazuha opened her eyes, and suddenly fell down. Scara quickly caught him. He didn't even notice that Kazuha was floating.


''Scara?'' Kazuha muttered. ''What- where...''

''Let's talk later.'' Scara quickly instructed him. ''We must escape before they find us clinging to the body of a Harbinger. Your ghostly self even let go of my ropes, huh...''

''Scara... what...''

''Come on. I'll tell you''

At the gate soldiers shouted. ''REVOLUTION! REVOLUTION!'' Archon Cryo smiled from her throne, then began to laugh. ''What a macabre thing to do, little Kuni. Too bad I know the truth.''

''The Revolution is coming. Celestia will pay.''


What you think? :)

Chapter 18: i swer my demons hide


Scara looked at him with an incredulous look. ''I... never... Kazuha, listen.'' Kunikuzushi took a deep breath. ''For everything I am, I could never hate you.''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scara stomped violently. ''Man, I hate that monster.''

''Me?'' Kazuha asked softly.

Scara looked at him with an incredulous look. ''I... never... Kazuha, listen.'' Kunikuzushi took a deep breath. ''For everything I am, I could never hate you.''

Kazuha smiled. ''Awww Kuni, I love you too.''

Scara froze. '' do you know that name??!''

Kazuha looked confused for a moment. ''What name?''

Scaramouche breathed. He had probably imagined it, with how tense he was. There was no way for Kazuha to know his birth name. '''It's nothing.''

Scaramouche probably hated Kazuha. He reached this conclusion after twenty-five minutes of silence. That, strong and beating in his chest was definitely hate. It couldn't be more, it shouldn't be more.

Scaramouche wanted to die. He expected Kazuha to hate him with all his wind soul. Kazuha must hate him a lot. Scaramouche was very hateable. He was loud, mean and and...

Kazuha was too good to hate.


Liked? :)

Chapter 19: When the lights fade (dont wanna hear the truth


Kazuha suspects of himself


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When they woke up the next morning Kazuha initially thought that Scara had a really beautiful voice, and sh*t, was he singing??!

This made him open his eyes. Scara slept nearby, snoring under an oversized sheet.

''Ah, ah...'' The breeze sang melodically. ''Ah ha! Ah''

Kazuha quickly fell asleep to the melody. It was so beautifull-

''Stop mumbling, idiot.'' Scaramouche grumbled. ''Come help me make juice.''

Kazuha looked around. Was it... daytime?

But he woke up and everything was dark. It seemed like only a few minutes since the moon was in the sky.

Kazuha ate her pancakes in dead silence.


you probably already have an idea what's going on lol

Chapter 20: You bring me a believer


He couldn't do anything. He silently followed Kunikuzushi. He hoped the bitter taste of betrayal would be familiar like the bitter taste of tea, so maybe Scara would find it sweet.


Barbara is paranoid, so is Kazuha and Scara is just lost about everything

Chapter Text

Mondstadt was as cheerful as ever. Scaramouche didn't know what to do in front of the perpetually decorated streets. It was a pretty sight, he supposed.

But Kazuha seemed distant, and that couldn't leave her mind even under the most wonderful of things. He wanted Kazuha and not an imitation of him.

Scara was lost, but he supposed a lie deserved another lie.

The poet's mind froze in vivid fire, as if he had not been fully present until the sun had set and he felt the weariness settle mournfully on his shoulders. He felt very heavily, or perhaps he felt nothing, nothing could shake him, or at least that was the lie he told himself.

He couldn't do anything. He silently followed Kunikuzushi. He hoped the bitter taste of betrayal would be familiar like the bitter taste of tea, so maybe Scara would find it sweet.

The bells of past lives sang a gentle melody. It was quiet, too quiet if Kazuha didn't know how to listen like he did. The city in the sky seemed to mock him. Of three moons, only one remained. He wonders if Celestia would be cruel enough to destroy the latter.

Desperation was a song he already knew.

The notes of his poems seemed fleeting. Everything, everything remained bitter and Kazuha didn't know how to fix it. He glanced surreptitiously at the sky, hoping his heart would become as still as the breeze his lips recited in mere words.

Barbara has been a believer since she was a child. She had to believe in Barbatos, believe that everything was real. When one of your best friends is a god, it gets a lot easier.

However...something was coming. A storm, and this time there would be no apology.

Chapter 21: I'll catch you


''I...'' Kazuha sighed. ''I became one of Barbatos' disciples!''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche woke up to a nun and Kazuha arguing. It was a very strange pairing, but he learned not to question Kazuha's friendships.

He stood up groggily, and the deaconess looked at him and walked out the door.

''I hope you have a plan for this.'' She whispered. Scara still heard her. Scara looked directly at Kazuha.

''Tell me what?''

''I...'' Kazuha sighed. ''I became one of Barbatos' disciples!''

He amended quickly.

''Huh?'' Barbara asked, incredulously.

''Huh?!'' Scaramouche questioned, incredulously.

''Is this... is this true?'' He asked Barbara surreptitiously. She nodded quickly.

''Yes!' He said with the most forced smile Scara had ever seen. ''My best disciple!''

Scaramouche hid a smile. Kazuha was trying to blend in with people, but disciples? This is nonsense.

Like gold and the sky itself, Kazuha was serene and incompatible with this world. That didn't make Scara stop smiling. He knew Kazuha would find a way.


Hii :]

Chapter 22: hey man


In which Kazuha thinks Scara hates him.

Chapter Text

Kazuha was confused about his feelings. While he liked Kuni, he didn't want to have his freedom stolen once again. He had his own memories and feelings and knew that this was unfair to Kuni.

He didn't want to hurt Kunikuzushi and result in the same past.

Kazuha took a deep breath. They didn't need to be anything. As long as he could take care of Kunikuzushi, he was happy.

Kazuha was hesitant. It was time for him to tell Scaramouche the truth. His fingers didn't seem to want to help him.

He was terribly anxious. What if Scara leaves, like everyone else did? The chance was high, but Kazuha's heart was not without hope.

Kazuha wasn't sure what he wanted, but he wanted something like...

Like what Razor and Bennett had.

Scara was so perfect. Kazuha wasn't that much.

The memories they shared...

Kazuha looked down, despair taking over.

Scara looked at him. ''What's wrong?''

''Thoughts.'' Kazuha admitted, he could never lie to Scara. ''That I don't deserve you.''

Scaramouche opened his mouth in surprise, closed it and finally decided.

''Hey, my dear... i'm not so innocent.'' Scara whispered. ''We deserve each other.''

Kazuha smiled weakly. He was relieved that Scara didn't persuade him, but admitted the truth. He liked honest people.

Kazuha's head was an unholy jumble of thoughts. He wanted Kunikuzushi.

Chapter 23: (Istaroth, Istaroth


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The taste of passion began to distill in Kazuha's mouth when they arrived in Liyue, and he felt that something wasn't right.

Things started to feel more tiring, and he started spending more time sleeping.

He only discovered the truth when they arrived at Wangshu Inn.

''The registration fee...'' Kazuha yawned.

Without blinking, an adeptus appeared before them. He looked ready to attack, spear in hand.

Scaramouche growled, summoning his catalyst. Kazuha got into fighting stance, tired.

“Don’t get in my way, puppet!” growled Adptus Xiao. ''This one carries the plague from another world!''

Scaramouche got a confused look, but quickly replaced it with a determined look. ''He is just a mortal. How would you carry the plague from another world??!''

Xiao looked at the two. ''Because this is Istaroth.''

Kazuha yawned and fell to her knees.


He soon fell asleep.



Chapter 24: Dont get too close, its dark inside


''STOP! Stop I'm not you!!''

His back hit something solid. He turned around.

Kazuha's mouth dropped open in horror.


Kazuha is forced to encounter his past self, and is injured in the process.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche was feeling betrayed and confused. Did Kazuha know who he was?

He remembers Kazuha saying he was a devotee of Istaroth. Oh what a joke.

Kazuha was dreaming, that much he knew. Before him were thousands of stars, and suddenly he was in Mondstadt. Two shooting stars crossed the sky. It was his duty to protect Teyvat.

Scaramouche didn't leave Kazuha's side. He was a fool, but there was no point in denying his feelings anymore. Kazuha's skin was cold, but he breathed easily, as if his soul had left his body perfectly healthy.

“When will he wake up?” Scaramouche asked Adeptus Xiao. ''It depends on whether he can defeat the beast in his dreams.'' The latter replied simply.

''You can't, I don't know, expel him?'' Scaramouche said, irritated. ''You are an Adepti.''

Xiao sighed. ''He is the only one who can defeat the beast. It's in your soul. Souls are fragile things, and I can break them if I enter carelessly.''

Scaramouche took a deep breath. He wanted to hit something, he wanted to personally call Celestia an idiot, but then he remembers that Kazuha is basically time and Celestia is probably her sister. Immortal Beings are complicated, and Scara knows little to nothing about them.

In his dreams, there was a butterfly. Kazuha felt tempted to follow her. The butterfly flew in circles, until it stopped in a puddle of water.

Kazuha saw what was there and immediately recoiled in horror. Istaroth stared at him with those pale eyes, pale skin, and incredibly long hair. Kazuha felt like she might vomit.

''STOP! Stop I'm not you!!''

His back hit something solid. He turned around.

Kazuha's mouth dropped open in horror.


Kazuha trans! Yay

Chapter 25: Soul out of your body


''Kunikuzushi.'' He noticed his past self, amused. ''We have a lot in common. We have found ourselves on the path to madness many times, and have experienced centuries of suffering. The only thing that's irregular is that he feels, and you learned to feel too.''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was himself. Kazuha found himself shocked. The white-eyed me smiled. ''Hello, my future self. I hope you're having fun with that puppet?''

Kazuha's eyes became hard. ''He's not just a puppet. He's Scaramouche.''

''Kunikuzushi.'' He noticed his past self, amused. ''We have a lot in common. We have found ourselves on the path to madness many times, and have experienced centuries of suffering. The only thing that's irregular is that he feels, and you learned to feel too.''

''You and I are not one.'' Kazuha spat. ''You are a god of Celestia. I'm just Kazuha.''

His imitation laughed. After minutes of silence, the goddess spoke again. ''You're wondering if I'm going to free you.'' He noted. ''And I will, as long as I can steal your love.''

''Steal my love.'' Kazuha repeated. ''Under my corpse.''

The goddess smiled. ''Well, you can try to beat me at patience, but know that you'll be here longer than Morax himself is alive.''

Kazuha took a deep breath. He needed to stay calm to win this argument. ''You want to steal my love, so steal, but swear you won't regret it. If you feel a drop of emotion, he is mine.'' Istaroth nodded. Kazuha put his hand inside, searching for something in his own soul.

''Here you go.'' He said monotonously. ''All my feeling of love.'' Istaroth opened his mouth and closed it, several times.

Kazuha made a fool of her, because what she wanted was...Kunikuzushi.

Istaroth laughed. ''VERY GOOD! You can go, this really managed to amuse me.''

Scaramouche held Kazuha's hand, not even realizing that she had fallen asleep against him. ''Hi, Kuni.'' Kazuha said softly. ''Kazuha...'' Scara looked mesmerized by the eyes he hadn't seen in a month. He quickly looked away so that Kazuha wouldn't see his embarrassment. Kazuha smiled.

''Well, I see you missed me.''

''Not just me.'' Kuni corrected. ''Your friends heard about it too.''


Where Kazuha and Istaroth meet

Chapter 26: Happy promises


Scara was silent, until... ''You know, I think Kazuha suits you better.''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Friends?'' Kazuha muttered to himself.

Gorou walked through the door, Kokomi quickly following. Kazuha smiled with tears in his eyes, quite surprised. ''Mimi and Gorou... I didn't expect my best friends to be here.''

Scaramouche coughed in the corner. ''Of course, Scara was always here.''

''Scara?'' Kokomi muttered. ''Nice to meet you.''

''Likewise.'' Scara agreed. Gorou reached out his hand, checking Kazuha's fever, who quickly moved his hand away. ''I'm not sick.'' He snorted. Gorou sighed. ''You never change Kazu.''

Kazuha was unstable as the wind. He constantly changed direction, but at the end of it all, wind was wind. Scara held his hand. ''So... Istaroth, huh.''

Kazuha sniffed. ''I hate her. I am a mortal boy, not a stupid goddess. Even though I traded my divinity for this, it still haunts me.''

Scara was silent, until... ''You know, I think Kazuha suits you better.''


Genshin doesn't have as much magic as it used to, but I think it is acceptable

Chapter 27: Fireworks


I luv you yoi


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yoimiya was always shining, but she could also feel her energy draining away. She was tired of being trapped by a decrepit decree. They didn't know who they were messing with.

The two men were fighting.

''Hey! Don't do that!'' Yoimiya snorted. ''The two of you will be able to leave Inazuma, if your friend wishes to go with you, even if he is a Samurai from the Shogunate.''

''H-how?'' The man asked. ''The roads are closed! there's no-...''

Yoimiya picked up a bunch of fireworks.

''Here's your solution.''

With a quick flick of his vision, fireworks shot from high in the sky.

''This is your way out. Go!'' The two men looked at each other, then got into the boat, disappearing into the storm.

''HEY! WHO DID-'' The Shugunate Samurai ran, shining spears in their hands.

Yoimiya rubbed her head. ''Sorry. I was testing fireworks.''


Hii :33

Chapter 28: Wake my soul


''The revolution is coming, old friend.'' Gorou promised.
They will fight against eternity


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''The revolution is coming, old friend.'' Gorou promised.

On the battlefield, you either fight or die.

Scaramouche wouldn't do anything, but to protect Kazuha... it was an obvious decision.

''Kunikuzushi goes with me.'' Kazuha watched him. ''Let's fight.''

Scara was soft rain, the one in which you could sleep, he was also insipid madness, a tragic and inexpressive bias that lasted centuries. Kazuha wasn't ready to say he understood Scaramouche as he understood himself.

Kazuha was broken, and in a way Scara was too, even though all Kazuha could see was a work of art. But he wasn't in love. Of that, he should be certain that he isn't, but they were a team, and Kazuha had no plans of leaving Scara anytime soon.

Battles were not something Kazuha wanted to get used to, but it was inevitable to protect the future of Inazuma, no matter what.

For Kazuha, Scara would die, but he knew that wouldn't please Kazuha, so he would suffer in this world and try to smile like Kazuha did. For someone who has an endless life, an endless love was fair... They were a forbidden love and something that could end them, but Scara and Kunikuzushi wouldn't let him go, not unless Kazuha himself asked.


Writing is an sacred thing to me

Chapter 29: Hall of fame


Regardless of the circ*mstances, mortals sought fame, at least at some point in their lives.

They were such fragile creatures. It only lasted a few ungodly years. A hundred, sometimes much less than that. How should Scaramouche attach himself?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Regardless of the circ*mstances, mortals sought fame, at least at some point in their lives.

They were such fragile creatures. It only lasted a few ungodly years. A hundred, sometimes much less than that. How should Scaramouche attach himself?

Either way, he got attached. It was not the way of the gods, who thought of humans as pets or foolishly disregarded them.

He was not a god after all.

Bright fireworks sparkled on the battlefield. Gorou commanded an army of forty soldiers, facing the shogunate and its Samurai.

Kazuha flew and her breeze became a fierce weapon. Its maple leaves cut as if they were its own sword.

Scara had his sword in hand, his quick steps causing enemies to stumble as they tried to recover. He was the wind itself.

But even the wind got tired.

Nobody understood him. Not even himself. He was like the wind and like something unfathomable on the way to an inevitable death. Gorou knew this, he got used to it for years.

As long as he saw happiness in his soldiers' eyes and considered him a good leader, well, he was satisfied.



Chapter 30: Hot n' warm


in which Scaramouche realizes that Kazuha is not a god, nor associated with it


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

That morning, Kazuha wasn't very careful. He had spent the entire night studying the territory and forgot to take care of himself. He was tapping his sword awkwardly, his eyes tired.

''KAZUHAAAAA!'' Kunikuzushi shouted.

Kazuha only saw a blur.

Scaramouche saw it in slow motion. Kazuha fell to the ground like a doll. Scaramouche felt a sickly sweet taste in his mouth, and ran, not caring about anything. He dragged Kazuha's body away with some soldiers distracting the enemy. Scaramouche ran so hard that his feet seemed to be made of fire and his legs seemed to be defective. Kokomi looked at them and ran towards them, without a word, just doing her job. Scaramouche remained motionless.

After almost losing Kazuha to an arrow, Scaramouche remained distant.

Kazuha remained asleep.


apologies for the delay! I was very tired and didn't have much energy, but I'm fine now!

Chapter 31: Tell me pretty lies


In a quest to find the Sixth, they inevitably gave up for the moment due to lack of available resources, and Tartaglia was sent in Scaramouche's place to Liyue. But he didn't want to get gnosis because he was in love. Damn it!


Ajax is in a gay crises and scara eant kill everything

Chapter Text

Scaramouche was SO TIRED so so angry and most importantly he wanted everyone to die. He wanted to rip out every piece of soul they had and see the light go out of their eyes and hear them beg for mercy.

He wanted to cut everyone's tongues out, until the only thing left in their miserable lives were thoughts.

He was a ball of pure emotion. He wanted to break everyone until they felt how the glass cracked in Scaramouche, how he broke so much. He wanted to be free and there was only one way to do that: revenge.

If he got revenge no one would hurt him again.

He wasn't going to let these idiots run his life. He would kill them with the power of the Musou no Hitotachi. It was just a matter of time.

Ajax has always been a sorry person. Over time he learned that he shouldn't feel. And of course, after losing everyone he should fall in love. In a quest to find the Sixth, they inevitably gave up for the moment due to lack of available resources, and Tartaglia was sent in Scaramouche's place to Liyue. But he didn't want to get gnosis because he was in love. Damn it!

Even though he failed, Scara wanted to hide his tears.

Chapter 32: Innocent


in which Scaramouche, or Wanderer, is on the brink of insanity

Chapter Text

Scaramouche now understood his reasons, why everyone was so good to him.

They wanted to break it. Too bad it was already broken.

Scaramouche held back a laugh. He was insane. What did it matter? This side of him would at least warn people that he is a predator and will get his kill. He will see the glass break in the eyes of these filthy creatures.

Kazuha died, and it was their fault.

Scaramouche ran to the corners of Liyue for several weeks under the name Wanderer. The Sangonomya military tried to stop him, but failed, and the army itself did not have the funds to pay for more than the war after how much destruction Scaramouche caused. Then Scaramouche, or rather Wanderer found himself in the forest of Sumeru. It wasn't a big deal to go there, if Wanderer was honest, but he isn't. The thing is that either I went through a tunnel in the middle of the Chasm, or I faced the Liyue soldiers. That's if he wasn't crazy enough to climb Chasm.

Scaramouche liked to consider himself as sane as he could be.

Chapter 33: how i love Kazuha and hate he at same time

Chapter Text

Scaramouche was SO TIRED so so angry and most importantly he wanted everyone to die. He wanted to rip out every piece of soul they had and see the light go out of their eyes and hear them beg for mercy.

He wanted to cut everyone's tongues out, until the only thing left in their miserable lives were thoughts.

He was a ball of pure emotion. He wanted to break everyone until they felt how the glass cracked in Scaramouche, how he broke so much. He wanted to be free and there was only one way to do that: revenge.

If he got revenge no one would hurt him again.

He wasn't going to let these idiots run his life. He would kill them with the power of the Musou no Hitotachi.

It was just a matter of time.

He sent his troops strategically into the Fatui, entering again without a peep and having to endure the Tsaritsa's laughter. But it would all be worth it.

He started selling Illusion.

Kazuha had a strong desire to help someone. He wanted to see the birds flying again, he wanted to smell something other than the electro of storms and the blood of the injured.

But he was technically dead, after an arrow lodged in his heart. He wished he had more time, instead of watching his love commit such cruel acts. Until finally it can appear in a dream.

''Scara.'' Greeted Kazuha.

''Kazu?'' Scara whispered, his eyes full of tears.

Kazuha gently took Scara's hands.

They stayed like that for a while, until Kazuha said. ''Do no more harm, Scara.''

''You're not even real.'' Scaramouche laughed bitterly.

''I am. I've been following you. Please don't hurt yourself anymore. Don't try to steal Musou No Hitotachi. Stop your troops at Fatui.''

And Kazuha looked deep into Scara's eyes. ''I'm real, Kunikuzushi.''

With that, Scaramouche fled the Fatui. With that, he was now in Sumeru.

Archon Dendro looking worriedly at him.

Chapter 34: Kazuha


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mortals watched with closed eyes. Mortals were cruel.

Scaramouche had unintentionally become a mortal.

Scaramouche laughed, wine glass between his lips. He marked the days on worn parchment. He marked the time without Kazuha in it. Over time, the pain became easier to bear. Kazuha promised without words that he would return. Scara would love to cry.

But it was his birthday party. All he had achieved for himself in a year was nothing more than a single bottle of dandelion and reprimands from Archon Dendro. But she loved him like a son. Scaramouche could accept some sappy nonsense. He emptied the cup, sitting in the shrine of Nahida. Then he heard a knock on the door. Another damn faithful. Who knows, it was Nilou. She was at least bearable.

''Who is-'' Scaramouche opened the door.

Kazuha smiled at him. ''Hi.''


Kazuha: *dies*
Kazuha a week later: *they can't arrest me bitches

Scaramouche: what the fu-

Chapter 35: I with you until the end of the world.

Chapter Text

"Who is this, Scara?" Nahida asked in the background.

Scara was too surprised to respond. "I am Kaedehara Kazuha." Greeted kindly.

"Ohhh... Better not disturb the plot."

Kuni's eyes were full of tears. He held Kazuha in his arms. "Please don't ever die again, even if you have to come back the next week."



Kazuha and he remained tangled up together, until Nahida exposed, calm as snow in a future storm. “Kazuha. Say what you came to say.''

Kazuha took a deep breath. ''It's difficult to find words to describe, but I sold my soul to see you one more time and end the war.'' A pause. ''But we can exist in the future, in calmer times, but promise me, Scaramouche, that you will come with me.'' Kuni smiled. ''It's a promise.''

Scaramouche wanted to scream, to overthrow and destroy empires, to devour the hearts and souls of everyone nearby, he wanted...

He wanted to die.

He was never good with goodbyes and he got attached.

''Knowledge is everywhere.'' Said Nahida, peacefully.

Yoimiya smiled at them. ''Go, we will meet in the future.''

Childe waved, Gorou barked. Kokomi smiled. Itto sniffed. Everyone Scaramouche met in the war was there, and even Tartaglia... ''I'm afraid there will be other friends too, but you will all meet, especially the two of you. You and Kazuha are kindred spirits, after all.'' At peace, Nahida waved in the distance.

''We'll see you again!''

Chapter 36: East of Eden


Yes this became a modern au

Chapter Text

Liyue was beautiful, if Scaramouche was honest. He took a twelve hour plane ride and was more than content in an environment without spoiled crying children and a random guy who probably didn't have money for headphones and had the same song on for the entire twelve hours.

Afterwards, entering the subway on a line that he guessed would lead to some busy avenue he could only hope that some restaurant would be open to the public at these ungodly hours of the morning. But of course he was. It was Liyue, how could it not be? He sat on a bench, some kind of cold, exotic noodles in his hands, as he didn't have money for much else. He wasn't a broke college student or something, or he wouldn't have money for Wanmin's noodles.

He was a notorious streamer, but his aunt Nahida and he had agreed not to draw as much attention as they could. Her phone rang, unlimited messages from Childe and Signora demanding to know where her ten thousand mora lip gloss was. Nahida was calling.

''Did you arrive well, Scara?''

''It's Scaramouche. I didn't think you were going to call me until I got to the dorm.'' He said with a hint of affection reserved only for Nahida and no one else.

''It's just that there has been a change of plan, your colleague has been replaced and it won't be Childe, as we thought.''

''It will be who?'' Scaramouche muttered, irritated.

''I don't know. Call me when you get there, I'm curious too.''

Scaramouche hung up.

Chapter 37: Who are you


Kazuscara 'first' meeting

Chapter Text

Kazuha is just a free spirit. Kazuha wanted to become a legend, even though her poems were already known. It was a desire that every vision holder had. They had exceptional talents, and hearts too. He was going to school. It shouldn't be a big deal if he wasn't the son of the famous Ningguang and Beidou. But what could happen?

He had the wind in his hands.

Scaramouche was not very anxious. He had moved his back from the subway chair, feeling very sleepy, and hoped to get to his dorm within the next hour. He just wanted a comfortable bed to sleep in.

He took the key and opened the door and-


Chapter 38: You not hurt me (no more)

Chapter Text

In a different time, Kazuha and Scara, Kunikuzushi, were childhood friends. Until Kazuha's family left him to wander, but neither Scaramouche nor the Kunikuzishi from before knew that.

Everything hurt like a majestic symphony of a song that was very loud, very beautiful and very painful. His heart was so full it felt like an empty hole and Scaramouche was feeling more than he had in years and it scared him. He hadn't seen Kazuha in years. Why here, why now?

Scaramouche's ears were silenced to the rest of the noise in the world.

''Kuni.'' Kazuha whispered. Scaramouche turned and walked away. He didn't look back, but if he did… He would see nothing but disappointment.

Chapter 39: Achilles, Achilles


Kingdoms fell to the ground so this world could exist - Scara thought. He wasn't very poetic most of the time, but that was the only thought he had as he looked at the golden lights and cars coming and going to whatever their destinations were. Maybe he's missing Kazuha now that he's seen him. That liar, traitor. Scara sat on his bench, but the music and his headphones couldn't drown out the memories.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kingdoms fell to the ground so this world could exist - Scara thought. He wasn't very poetic most of the time, but that was the only thought he had as he looked at the golden lights and cars coming and going to whatever their destinations were. Maybe he's missing Kazuha now that he's seen him. That liar, traitor. Scara sat on his bench, but the music and his headphones couldn't drown out the memories.

''Kuni.'' Kazuha said, in that desperate way of his. Kuni was paralyzed, Kuni...-

''What song are you listening to, comrade?'' Scaramouche put the headphones on full blast.

''Hey!'' The annoying redhead tried. ''Hey! It's Nahida!'' Scara immediately turned off his headphones. ''What happened to her??!''

''Nothing.'' Scaramouche began to put on his headphones. ''But wait, comrade! Nahida exposed a criminal network! Remember that hobby of hers?''

Of course Scaramouche did. His aunt was a hacker under the pseudonym Irmsul, but it was interesting that she hacked for someone in the government. Only Childe knew about her, for security reasons. ''And what does this have to do with me?'' ''Well.'' Childe dragged. ''The owners of the criminal network are Kazuha's parents. Biological ones.'' Scara choked. '' As??! Aren't they with Kazuha?? And he has other parents??!''

Childe looked at him strangely.

“Comrade, Kazuha is the adopted son of CEO Beidou and Ningguang, the president of Liyue.”



Chapter 40: i live alone, im royalty

Chapter Text

Divinity is like a garment - Scaramouche thinks. It's glamorous at first, but you can't take it off because people will see you, you're in a place full of them, so you have to hold on while that shine wears off, your clothes stick uncomfortably, but you have to keep dancing.

Venti was tired of being the Anemo Archon, the last of the Seven.

The last of a dead era.

Scaramouche was not poetic and was worth less than he seemed, but even a hypocrite like him would not fail to know that Kazuha needed support, not shame.

He found himself wandering. He wouldn't step foot in the dorm that night.

Chapter 41: A cup of tea


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kuni hated him. This was right, this was clear, this was the new law of the world.

His old parents hated him too, and it was kind of a shock to learn that they were involved in illegal things. Kazuha felt nothing but cold indifference.

It was disappointing to see Kunikuzushi go. Kazuha thought he had more courage than that. He was wrong.

Scaramouche was wrong, he knew that as he stared at the cup of black coffee he had gotten from Wanmin with some flattery. His brain was a harmless jumble of thoughts and sleep. ''Here, this is because you are our new and future most loyal customer.'' Xiangling handed him a cup of tea. ''On the house!''

Scaramouche snorted. ''Me, future client? No kidding.''

''Soft water on hard stone hits until it pierces.'' Xinangling sighed. ''I have to serve another customer! Rate us with 5 stars!''

Soft water on hard stone, it hits until it pierces. For some reason, this stuck in Scaramouche's head.

Kazuha was a light sleeper, and when he closed his eyes, he heard the dormitory door slam, someone coming in with something and leaving. With how anxious he was, he would wait for tomorrow. And tomorrow would bring good surprises.


Hii!! <33

Chapter 42: you are devil


Kazuha didn't know how to hold onto her resentment. His smile, Scara's smile, was perfect.

Perfectly fearsome.

Chapter Text

Kaedehara woke up to the sweet smell of cold tea. He used to drink it hot and cold, it didn't matter, all he cared about was the sweetness of the tea and knowing that Kuni still cared about making it.

Kazuha didn't know how to hold onto her resentment. His smile, Scara's smile, was perfect.

Perfectly fearsome.

So Kazuha decided to avoid him too. Let's see who breaks first. - Kazuha thought darkly.

The first Monday Scaramouche left the dorm after two hours of nap, avoiding a busy Kazuha who would arrive there an hour later.

That night Kazuha slept in Gorou's dormitory under the guise of collaborative texts of poetry and painting and, somehow, economics.

Two hours after seven Scaramouche went to singing class.

Three in the afternoon Scaramouche slept until seven and went out into the street for the rest of the night to 'get to know' the place, Liyue.

At seven the next day Childe invaded their dormitories.

''Listen here, you two are going to make up.'' Scaramouche snorted. ''Under my corpse.'' And he left.

Childe smiled devilishly at the switched class schedules.

At half past six they were both in martial arts class, looking at each other like ghosts, still not saying anything.

At seven thirty-five they were in the economics class that Kazuha didn't remember signing up for.

The ten of them were in theater class. Then, unexpectedly, Scara broke the silence. ''Why the hell did you leave??! I spent so many years looking for you! You just left me, you idiot!''

Kazuha broke down. ''Kuni, I...''

''Scaramouche. My name is...'' Scara whispered.

''Scara... I promise you, for all these years, I have never forgotten you. You were my best friend, what do you say we make up?''

Scara broke into a smile. ''Of course, idiot.''

The class applauded. In the background Itto was shouting and Gorou was holding him in his exaggerated celebration. Bennett gave a thumbs up, Razor nodded. Kokomi smiled knowingly. In the background, the person who caused everything was laughing at how successful his plan was.

Chapter 43: hurt me, comfort me


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kazuha broke Kuni. Kuni became Scara. He gathered its broken pieces and glued them together with gold and silver.

I know you will come, but that doesn't stop me from missing you.

Scaramouche isn't the best at friendly relationships. Most of the time he used people for a defined purpose.

He watched them, discarded them. In a way, it was different with his friends.

He still didn't believe that a monster like him could have friends.


Get ready because this update is going to be great

Chapter 44: Horns


You shouldn't change who you are

Chapter Text

Kazuha hated Scaramouche, that much Scara knew. Why else did he keep referring to him as Kuni? That cursed name he kept in the depths of the earth, he burned in fire.

He felt so alone, so desolate, so stupid, so worthless... He knew he wasn't, but why were people treating him like he was just a puppet?

Scara sighed. It was time for theater class.

Why did Kazuha hate him? Maybe he remembered Kuni more, and Scaramouche was a forgotten memory. Maybe he hated what Kuni had become, but Scara wouldn't change for him.

Scaramouche didn't cry, but at that moment, he did.

Kazuha was thoughtful. Where was Scaramouche? For years Kazuha missed Kuni and...- it was Scaramouche now.

"You look like a kitten!" Little Kazuha laughed.

Kuni stuck out his tongue.

"Then a black cat!"

Kuni smiled.

"You're the black cat! I'm a purple kitten!"

Chapter 45: pretty lies


Beidou gives great advice

Chapter Text

When Kazuha realized that Scaramouche was avoiding him again, he went directly to Beidou. His mother would certainly have an answer for that.

Now, many others wouldn't confide in their parents about this out of shame, but Beidou was understanding and Kazuha could tell her her secrets, even the deepest and most terrifying ones. She was strong as a diamond.

So he called her.

''Hello... Kazuha, what's wrong?''

''Are you busy?''

On the other end of the line, Beidou threw a fish twice her size onto the ship. ''Of course! You can tell me what's going on in that little head of yours!''

Kazuha's cheeks flushed. ''It's about Kuni...''


Kazuha sighed. ''Mom, it's not like that, we're just friends.''

''...Of course. Seventyth call about him, but tell me! What's going on?''

''He's avoiding me...'' Beidou's tone became serious. “Ningguang only avoided me when I messed up. Maybe you did something he didn't like?''

''Kunikuzushi...'' Kazuha began, but Beidou interrupted him.

''There it is!''

Confused silence. ''...What?''

''His name is Scaramouche now.''

''Do you think he's mad about me calling him Kuni?'' Beidou snorted. ''It's a possibility. He might think you only like the old him, or something.''

''But I like him.'' Kazuha's shocked voice came out. ''I wanted to be cute!'' Beidou's voice laughed on the other end of the line. ''Yes, yes boy. Just fix things.''

Chapter 46: all for you


In which Scaramouche is a boxer


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was difficult to find Scaramouche. He was sitting on blue petaled leaves, looking truly like the god he was. Kazuha sat silently next to him. Scaramouche didn't even seem to notice him. It was common for Kazuha to be light on her feet. Then he touched Scara's arm. It was muscular, and it made Scaramouche shiver like a cat. ''Oh f*ck... Ka-Kazuha! Warn me before doing this!''

Kazuha smiled serenely. ''My apologies, Scara. I'll remember to call him that now.''

Scaramouche looked down. Her cheeks were flushed. ''D-Do you have... uh... hobbies or something? Or do you still write poetry?''

''I'm a poet at heart, and pen and paper are my lyre.''

''Still a poet, then.'' Scaramouche snorted. ''I do boxing. It helps calm the urge to punch my sociology teacher.''

''I see.'' Kazuha said, calmly. ''You shouldn't punch teachers.''

''If you spend a day with her you'll understand.'' Scaramouche snorted.

A silence.

''Are we still friends, Scara?'' Kazuha questioned, her voice silent and unusually fragile.

''Of course.'' Scaramouche gave a small smile. ''Best friends, I would say, Kaedehara.''


I write on the computer and the text seems tiny, but the only thing is that on my cell phone it looks huge, so I keep everything "small" to translate

Chapter 47: Ballader


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was half past seven in the morning when Kazuha left. It was seven forty when the bastard came back with a cat. ''Meet... Ballader!'' Kazuha announced, lifting the cat. Scara looked at him, impressed. ''You should be in math class.'' Kazuha blushed. Scara secretly found him adorable.

''You idiot.'' Scara snorted, looking at the cat. The cat meowed dangerously. Kazuha absentmindedly ran his fingers under the cat's ear.

The cat looked at Kazuha as if he were a god.

''See? My little pup is a good boy. Who is the good boy? Gorgeous! '' Normally Kazuha was peaceful, but apparently black cats with a lot of sense of self-worth were her weak point. That and scaring people on Halloween with Yoimiya.

Scara snorted.

''Are you jealous?''


Kazuha smiled brightly. Scara was fascinated by that smile.


:D kuddos??

Chapter 48


They sat down, and Scaramouche could admit that the donut was very good. Ugh, he hates it when others are right.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kazuha sighed. “Scar. Scaramouche.''

''What.'' Scaramouche snorted. Kazuha looked straight into Scara's eyes. ''Your name is beautiful. Just that.''

Scaramouche hid his face in the towel. For the past few weeks he had been having a feeling similar to drowning whenever he looked at Kazuha.

Just as Scara was drying her hair, Yoimiya entered the room dragging Ayaka with her. The two were inseparable, worse than Clorinde and Navia or on the same level. It was difficult to distinguish between these passionate fools.

''DID YOU HEAR THAT-'' Scaramouche interrupted her. ''Keep your voice down idiot, I haven't had my breakfast yet.''

Yoimiya grumbled. ''Your coffee consists only of tea bitterer than your soul, we are not interrupting anything.'' Then he continued. ''Did you know that this year we will be able to decide on a destination to travel to instead of graduation??? It will be decided by votes!! I personally chose Sumeru, but a lot of people bet on Mond! Awww, but it's okay, I've always wanted to see giant dandelions!''

''Come on.'' Kazuha spoke softly close to Scaramouche's ear. His skin crawled.

Kazuha sat at the door of an establishment, both waiting for it to open. Scara couldn't be more bored.

''Why the hell did you wake me up to buy sweet donuts, I hate sweets.''

Kazuha smiled. ''Well, bitter tea is too little for two hours of math.''

They sat down, and Scaramouche could admit that the donut was very good. Ugh, he hates it when others are right.


Scara: i hate sweets i hate every-
Kazuha: want a cake?
Scara: OK

Chapter 49


In which certain Ballader hate Scara

Chapter Text

Scaramouche wanted to be alone.

f*ck if he didn't answer the messages, he couldn't take Kazuha anymore, who seemed to have stuck to him like poison. Okay, it was good, he thinks. But not enough to sacrifice your dreams and desires. It was something temporary. But Scaramouche was afraid of what Kazuha would think if he told him how he felt.

His emotions throughout the day fluctuated about Kaedehara. There was a silent admiration between their gazes. Perhaps Scaramouche was imagining this.

Ballader was causing problems. He was essentially spoiled by Kazuha, but with Kaedehara he was an angel. With Scaramouche they both exchanged murderous looks.

''Who took my hairbrush?'' Kazuha said from the dorm bathroom.

Scara watched in shock as Ballader placed her on his bed.

''Scara, if you wanted my brush, just ask.'' Kazuha scolded.

''It was- it was the cat.'' Scaramouche tried.

''Nonsense, Ballader is a good boy.'' He stroked the cat's ears. Ballader meowed victoriously, the devilish creature looking at Scara as if to say: I win.

Scara stuck out his tongue.

Chapter 50


Scara likes birds


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche knew it wouldn't be forever, but that didn't stop him from enjoying the gentle breeze that Kazuha usually carries, her stubbornness and resilience, how much easier it was to have him around and how Scaramouche appreciated that. But this was fragile. One day they would die, and Scara always wanted to die alone. He wanted to be more than Kazuha's lover. He wanted to make his own legacy.

And he's afraid of the pain when Kazuha dies first. He knows that most people who have a crush, god forbid, don't plan their death in advance. Hell, Scara doesn't even want to get married. But that's how it was. Makoto died unexpectedly. Kazuha... No, Scara didn't want to think about that. Then he had an idea. If Kazuha has a cat as a pet, what's stopping her from doing the same? Not a cat, cats are too futile, he wanted a... a... a bird! And that.

Scaramouche decided. A small baby bird.

Going to the pet shop Scaramouche watched carefully. He only had some money, so it should be worth it. He passed what seemed like hundreds of birds, until he settled on a specific one.

He was Natlan's parakeet, silent as he seemed to watch Scaramouche back. Its feathers were a deep blue, the top was blue, white and yellow. The owner started trying to catch it, but the parakeet bit so hard that the owner's hand bled.

Scaramouche's eyes filled with satisfaction. ''I'll take him.'' He reached out to the little bird, patiently. The bird looked at him, then jumped into Scaramouche's hand. The bird also seemed satisfied. ''Your name will be... Anemo! Every time someone unpleasant asks if I have vision, I'm going to say I have Anemo. Hhahaahh try to beat me on this one, Ballader! Mwahahahaha!''

''Sir, you are scaring the customers.''

''hmf. They really are horrible.'' He said softly to Anemo.


Hey :3

Chapter 51


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Scara.'' Kazuha said lazily. ''Have you ever thought about what you're going to do when you graduate?''

Scara denied. ''Well... not yet.''

''We could be wanderers.'' Kazuha suggested.

A few seconds passed, but Scara's eyes were shining. ''Sounds like an interesting idea. Ballader is going with us?''

Kazuha snorted, indignant. ''Of course, I would never leave my cub alone.'' Scara's eyes sparkled with amusem*nt. ''It's a cat.''

''It's my little son.''

''You talk like a grandma.'' Scara smiled mischievously. ''You're the hottest grandma I've ever seen, you know that? And look, I don't even like ladies.''

Kazuha's cheeks turned pink and hid her face in the pillow. Scara laughed at his embarrassment. Lately it had become routine for Scara to playfully flirt with Kazuha. And Kazuha always blushed so beautifully...

Scaramouche shook off those thoughts.



Chapter 52


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche kept a secret that only Kazuha knew. He was irritatingly different, but the same.

Kuni and Scara have always been and will always be men, but there were people who disagreed with that. After Kazuha left, Scara had to deal with this world alone. It was extremely painful. Of course, Kuni was a nickname Kazuha created, back then, to support Scara. It was only fair that he kept calling him by that name, but it hurt. It hurt a lot and burned his bones. Broke your heart.

He was happy that Kaedehara called him Scaramouche. It hurts in your non-existent heart. Like it or not, he was lost when Kaedehara went.

And then he found Childe. He saved him, and never called him by the wrong name. Scara, despite the pretense, could never express his gratitude to Childe.

But there were things in his past…he should hide them before they bit again.


Scara past and kazuha past are dark

Chapter 53

Chapter Text

''Hey, Scara.'' Kazuha smiled. ''And hey, Anemo!'' Greeted the happy little bird. The little idiot would always be at peace if it was Kazuha who caught him, unlike...

''Good morning everyone!'' The bird started to scream, Yoimiya covered her ears. ''Damn, what kind of bird is that??!''

''My.'' Scaramouche snorted.

''HE SCREAMS A LOT!'' The bird chirped repeatedly, each chirp like an insult.

''You're screaming.'' Scaramouche said dryly.

''Ah, okay!'' Yoimiya covered spoke more quietly. ''You have class and you're late. Professor Zhongli wants an interactive project, something about choosing your destiny.''

Scaramouche would curse all the teachers who demanded extra books.

''Well, Scaramouche and Kazuha.'' Zhongli smiled serenely. ''Sit down, students. Extra homework for being late.'' He turned to the students. ''I want you to say something that makes you happy, or think, if you are more reserved.''

Yoimiya jumped. ''FIREWORKS!!''

''My fan.'' Ayaka said.

''You, dear teacher.'' Childe, the accounting intern, said seductively.

Almost everyone applauded.

Then it was Scaramouche's turn. Scaramouche was not happy. Except... he thinks... the curves of Kazuha's smile...

''My bird.'' He said softly.

He hoped Kazuha would understand. He didn't say exactly who the bird was, after all. Kaedehara's eyes lit up.

''My cat.'' He replied calmly. One look and Kazuha understood that he was the bird... Scaramouche snorted. Kazuha was a threat.

Chapter 54


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The days for the interclass trip were approaching. In a year they would be adults and there was nothing that could make them children again.

Scaramouche admitted he was scared, despite all the plans he and Kazuha made under the covers.

Xiangling is absolutely ecstatic, if Scaramouche had to guess. The jade packets were, reluctantly, very good. And crunchy. There he sat with Kazuha, both enjoying the silence.

"You know... there's still a year to go. A year is a long time. There's no need to be anxious." Kazuha said silently.

"I'm still anxious." Scara snorted. "It's just... I'm afraid of growing up, you know?" Kuni muttered.

"I will be here." Kazuha promised solemnly. "And if I'm not, well, I'll come back in the form of other people. But I will."



Chapter 55


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche was absolutely tired, and not in a good way.

The tests came and went like a hurricane, decimating any patience he had. It was hard and Scaramouche hated his 'perfect' life in those moments. Sure, he had Kazuha in those moments, but his life was far from perfect.

A tiring routine made dreams decimate. Study and sleep.

No. It wouldn't be like that. Scaramouche refuses.

He had several ideas. I could stream games, reluctantly draw and... write., that was promising. He was always envious of Kazuha's natural ability to write. Why not try making your own stories? He picked up a pencil. He drew what he wanted to write, trying to illustrate words in Inazuman.

Old wine, old wine.

That you took with so much affection.

Let the memories fly away all alone.

Below he made a drawing of a kite. His poem wasn't the best, and poems are supposed to rhyme, right? The door opened with a click.

"Hey Scara you..." Childe's eyes widened, mouth open. "You write???? SINCE WHEN-"

"Shut up you idiot!" Scaramouche hissed. "We can't let Kazuha know this, OK?!"

Mouth open, Childe nodded. "OK."



Chapter 56


As soon as Childe got the idea, he ran away. Who better at using chopsticks than Scara? Sure, Inazuma wasn't a positive experience for the guy, but he at least knew how to use chopsticks. Damn, Childe didn't know how to pronounce it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Childe didn't yet know how to use chopsticks. It was futile to learn until he arrived at Liyue. Liyue was noisy compared to eternal frost.

That must be why Zhongli felt like home.

As soon as Childe got the idea, he ran away. Who better at using chopsticks than Scara? Sure, Inazuma wasn't a positive experience for the guy, but he at least knew how to use chopsticks. Damn, Childe didn't know how to pronounce it.

As soon as he opened the door, silently, Scara seemed to be very distracted, writing something that looked like a poem. Of course Kazuha influenced him. But Childe had to keep up the facade. "You write???? SINCE WHEN-"

"Shut up you idiot!" Scaramouche hissed. "We can't let Kazuha know this, OK?!"

Now, Childe didn't even know why Scara wanted to hide a mere poem, but he still shook his head, an OK on his lips.

Out of everyone, Zhongli seemed to be the best at piecing together Childe's broken mind. That meant absolutely nothing.

''Hahah'' A fox smile. ''You can kill him, guys.''



Chapter 57


In which Childe reflects on very deep subjects

Chapter Text

How not to get lost? Childe thinks this is a complicated question.

You always leave some pieces of yourself somewhere, and he was a master at tracking. But now he is Childe.

Childe, a normal guy, a finance student, with a crush on a handsome professor and three little brothers. He was not Tartaglia, and Ajax made sure to cross that line. He wouldn't get lost as long as others didn't witness Tartaglia.

Scaramouche crossed out another piece of paper, his mind full of ideas. Damn, none of them were good! He mumbled to himself, laying down and hiding the notebook.

Kazuha was the poet, and woe betide Scara if they saw him writing poetry. He would never be able to deal with Kazuha's smile and damn Archons! What if Kazuha thought of himself as inferior? That guy writes such perfect poems and treats them like trash! No way Scara could reach Kazuha.

Chapter 58


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Childe.'' Greeted Zhongli, a lovely rosy color on his cheeks... ''Late, as always.''

''And you're handsome, as always.'' Childe winked.

Xiao coughed, a desk behind Childe. He was a couple of years younger than Childe, absolutely ravenous in his presence and Childe doesn't know why.

''Study math instead of giving me dirty looks.'' Childe grumbled.

Xiao didn't look away.

When the class ended with a few fractions Xiao used the break to give him a piece of paper.

''Physics homework. You owes me Almond Tofu.''

Of course the little devil would demand the help he gave Childe last two months. Childe felt a fondness arise, similar to how he felt for his brothers. But Xiao was not his brother, or even his friend. That affection was forbidden.


I have no experience with interns, much less finance.

Chapter 59


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche was so tired. Pouring out his frustration on paper actually resolved his confused feelings, but it made him even more miserable.

Kazuha was leaving little pieces of paper, and when Scaramouche asked Kazuha just replied: ''They are my soul. I'm giving it to you.''

And Scara tried to find a meaning behind it, he really tried, but he wasn't poetic like Kazuha, and he couldn't lie.

Think... How can you alleviate the pain and betrayal of a person who has not yet been betrayed?

A light bulb went off above his head.

Nahida would have the answer.

''Of course you can, Scara! It's good to see you're making friends!''

''I'd go to your birthday anyway.''

''Aww, thank you so much! It would be lonely if it were just my servants and me!''

Of course, Scaramouche forgot to mention, Kazuha wasn't the only relative of a ruler.

''See you there.'' He said kind of affectionately. Was he getting soft?

Nahida repeated the words and hung up.

Now it was just Scara with Kazuha's poems. He was supposed to face this head on, but like any ideally sane person he decided he could put it off.

Let's see how many sad lines he could take from Kazuha before breaking down.


Hello :D

Chapter 60


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Childe was tired of the mafia. Not exactly the underlying tiredness of ruining your day with some stupid crime, because it was actually him, Childe, who committed the stupid crimes. He pretended to be very obedient, but anger burned inside him. He must continue this service until the end of his days if he wanted his brothers to lead good lives. He couldn't care less about his parents, who are actually in prison.

Why? Childe, or rather Tartaglia, pulled some strings. This monotonous student life was just a disguise, as he was supposed to kill a supposed crime lord infiltrated at the school. It was unknown which of the seven biggest mobsters, but The Tsaritsa considered him enough of a problem that Childe, a prodigy, was sent to kill him.

What he didn't plan on was falling in love with a damn charming economics professor.

Being a student or even pretending to be was tiring. He didn't have much idea about economics, as he was at the bottom of the hierarchy of His Majesty's 11 servants.

Pantalone took care of the money and Childe always got a little more out of sympathy, since Pantalone for some reason liked his brothers and even thought they were cute.

Childe still didn't let his guard down, but he appreciated the extra money. This allowed him to buy all of his brothers' needs and anything luxurious they could ask for. But now Pulcinella was unfortunately taking care of it. Childe couldn't show up at headquarters until he'd killed the guy and he... kind of had a great plan for that...

''hahah! Mwahahaha!'' He laughed madly, something he was only allowed to do in private. He's going to kill this guy.



Chapter 61: best day in my life


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

At first, no one was willing to give Morax their loyalty. It was a quick correction process, some research and he got the five Yakshas wrapped around his finger. For them he was a chance at redemption, something to protect themselves from the world. Morax trained them as his legitimate death machines.

Today things are VERY different. For a long time he was known as the war dragon. Other mafiosi didn't have the courage to even pronounce his name, or that of his Yakshas.

Over time, he decided to retire under the false identity of a history teacher. Now Morax was no more. But he was still able to recognize the enemy. Keep your friends close and your enemies too.

Kings destroying their own thrones maintained the empire. Greed succeeded any love a ruler could have.

That's why Childe chose the one who didn't need a throne to sit on, The Tsaritsa.

The thing was... besides controlling a mafia network, Tartaglia wasn't exactly human... a fire fairy, if he were to tell the absolute truth.

And as long as the world has existed as it is, Childe has been there. Perhaps that was the inevitable truth, but teyvat had changed a lot over the years.

The black and white photos he has seen portray the past as dark, but that is not the case.

Zhongli's first secret crush was sitting two meters away from him. He craved contact. This man was so dangerously naive, thinking that Zhongli didn't know his identity... Who didn't know Tartaglia??!

When he saw him on the newspaper's most wanted cover years ago, he wished he could become a mobster so he could meet him. He did it once, with a mask and hood, on top of a roof and with a gun in his hands.

Tartaglia was targeting a Inazuman mafia agent.

''Why don't you shoot?'' Morax asked. Tartaglia seemed to be aware of his passive presence, because he simply said: ''That's not the guy.'' He got up, grabbed his gun and descended the building as if he were a bird.

Morax didn't even try to follow him. He knew he couldn't do it.


there will be surprises in the next chapter mwahahah

Chapter 62: The sharp fox


The piece was simply... the most perfect haifu Zhongli had ever seen. Sewn by Menogias, he could not have expected otherwise.

He put on his sleeves. ''Thank you, Menogias. Perfect as always.''

Menogias smiled subtly. ''Good dating.''


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Zhongli was going on a date... with Tartaglia, no less.

Barbatos, sitting on his bed, had a look perfectly similar to Alatus's.

“Zhongli! You never dress up like that when it's with us!

''Master, I don't see why you should dress up so much for an... economics student.'' Alatus pronounced as if every word were poison.

''That I agree, Zhongli could have made better choices...'' Zhongli growled. ''OKOK old man, go hang out with your redhead.'' Venti sighed.

Menogias finished the last stitch. ''Here you go!'' He said, looking proud of himself.

The piece was simply... the most perfect haifu Zhongli had ever seen. Sewn by Menogias, he could not have expected otherwise.

He put on his sleeves. ''Thank you, Menogias. Perfect as always.''

Menogias smiled subtly. ''Good meeting.''

Childe couldn't contain his excitement.

Zhongli was the first thing he saw. Curled in gold, hair tied beautifully in a ponytail... He was so perfect he looked like a god, or even a dragon.

Tartaglia offered him his hand, and then they talked about all kinds of subjects. Childe, Ajax, was happy.

As soon as the first shot rang out, they both hid under the table. Childe looked scared, but it was obvious that Tartaglia brought these enemies his way. How they learned of its location, Tartaglia didn't know.

The mafia war has begun.

Tartaglia drew his gun, trying to avoid looking at Zhongli. It was essential that they not know that something precious to him was here.

Then Childe heard a shot from his side, each shot aimed at each enemy's head, quick as a snake's lunge.

He raised his gaze to Zhongli.

He looked beautiful, covered in blood and with a furious look on his face.

And the mask of Morax was on his head.

''IT'S MORAX!!''


One by one, they all ran as if the abyss itself was at their feet.

''Morax?!'' Tartaglia spat. ''If I had known who you were before, you would have been in grave danger. I could point my gun at you here and now.''

''But you won't.'' Morax said, looking defiant. ''You love me.''

Tartaglia laughed. ''Oh! Clear! Under my coffin.'' His gaze became serious. ''Today I spare you, but next time I see Morax, there will be no mercy.''

''Why?'' Morax questioned, looking hurt.

''I promised someone something.'' Childe stated. ''I keep what I promise, Morax.'' He said with contempt, and then disappeared into the darkness of the night.



Chapter 63: How crazy you can be?


an episode of madness on the part of a certain Harbinger

Chapter Text

It was as if the world turned upside down. Childe wanted to cry. Tartaglia wanted to kill. Ajax wanted neither. But Childe must have been confident. He wiped away her tears. It was time to cause chaos. Like always.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Crazy! That's what he was, isn't it???! Seeing Zhongli at his ugliest made him realize how futile his appearance was. Zhongli's soul was a pile of trash.

CRAZY! HAHAHAHAHAHA! BUT, crazy people always win, even if they lose. He would set this place on fire, he swore that. Literally. Who needs school when you have a bunch of flames??! Childe smiled an absolutely wicked smile.

He cries if he wants. He does not want.

With a gallon of gasoline, he took long gulps of it on the papers, walls and everything around him. With a click, he ignited the flames.

''HAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!'' The door opened with a bang, revealing Zhongli with his ever-composed gaze wracked with dread, and Scara, his cute little brother, running up to him, or trying to.

Childe made sure to increase the flames. He was a fire fairy! He could at least delight in this frigid suffering before having his wings burned... He smiled one last smile, before the flames took over his vision. He vaguely felt a pair of arms around him, moving quickly in desperation.

Everyone was screaming, but why?! Tartaglia was DEAD!! THEY SHOULD CELEBRATE HAHAH.

How boring!!

Chapter 64: Two idiots and a hospital bed

Chapter Text

Childe woke up in a hospital bed, dressed in clothes that were too loose for him.

''You took a strong dose of alcohol.'' Someone sighed, behind him. ''No wonder I had a psychotic crisis. With the amount he took, it would be enough to incapacitate a bull, and he mixed other things into it, apparently.''

Now, Tartaglia should say that he took almost nothing of his own accord. There were simply enemies infiltrated, and normally Childe wouldn't let it go clean, but with the Zhongli incident... he... simply thought there was no harm in one more dose.

Tartaglia focused on the doctor, reading his name on his badge. Doctor Baizhu.

''And now... You have a visitor. And a Mr. Sacaramouche left a message for you. You can read it while your visitor prepares to enter. Not just anyone comes in, you know?'' With that said, Baizhu handed him a letter.

''To the filthiest idiot in Teyvat,

Do you know how your brothers felt??! I'm taking care of them now. Better explain, Ajax.

signed: Scaramouche.''

And with that Childe knew he was about to get the longest scolding in the world when he left the hospital.

''You gave us all a scare.'' Said a soft voice. ''Sorry, a thousand apologies, Childe.''

''You have no right to pronounce my name.'' Ajax's voice broke.

''Ajax, the fire fairy...'' Morax pondered. ''I've been in love with you since I was a child. I think it's fair to say that, and I think it's fair if you want to beat me up for it. I wouldn't fight back. I believe, however, that you owe me a debt.''

Ajax laughed ironically. ''What debt would I have with the powerful Morax?''

''Simple. I was the one who issued the documents so that your brothers and Scaramouche can be free.'' He handed over a paper. “From now on, you no longer need to fear for their lives. I have favors from each faction, and many signed the contract willingly. The ones that didn't... well, I fixed them.''

Ajax examined the list carefully. Morax continued. ''Of course, you might be included in this, but something tells me you would find it insulting.''

Tartaglia sighed. ''Okay, that's worth any debt I have. Tell me, what do I need to do?''

''Forgive me.''

Tartaglia remained silent for a few seconds, then laughed. ''Since you freed the people I love from danger I forgave you.''

Morax smiled. Ajax continued. ''But I have something to tell you. Remember that night with inazuman? It was Scaramouche. He was running from the Inazuman throne AND the Inazuman mafia. I assume you know that.'' Morax nodded. ''I did my research.''

Ajax smiled fondly. ''Thank you, Zhongli. I have an idea for who wanted to kill me, and It's probably an ally trying to get our attention in her own way.

Chapter 65: Has only silence


In which Zhongchi plans and Kazuha and Scara are lost


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''I'm afraid I have to find out who got me drunk. Whoever it was, their purpose was to kill me.''

''Or kidnap you, but I doubt that. The mixed medicines would kill you if you weren't a fire fairy. It just caused mania.''

''Few know that I'm a fire fairy, so let's avoid mentioning it, and be careful. In the worst case, someone could infiltrate this hospital and try again, and this time they could succeed, especially if they know what I am.''

Zhongli pondered. ''We must investigate this ourselves.''

Scaramouche was angry, very angry. When he didn't say a sarcastic word to Kazuha, it was really a cause for concern.

''Is it because of Childe?'' He asked softly.

Scaramouche snorted, but you could see he was holding back his tears. ''That idiot had a psychotic break. For a moment I...'' Scaramouche trailed off. ''Nothing, I'm fine. I won't talk about it anymore.''

Kazuha sighed. ''If there are any deities in this world, protect them.'' He muttered to himself, long after Scara left.


kuddos? comments?? :DD

Chapter 66: Where the phoenix awakens


''Boss...'' Xiao's voice was hesitant at the end of the line. “Who are we dealing with?”


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scara rejected affection for years and years at a time, because he knew that affection came with a price. Until Kazuha, Kunikuzushi was a distant memory.

But Kazuha returned. Kazuha always returned, and it was difficult not to get attached.

Maybe he just needed sleep.

''Now was a disaster, and tomorrow certainly will be if we don't act in time.'' Morax pondered, his Yakshas on the secret line. ''Our own production was halted years ago without any reward to you, so if you want to back down, back off now.''

''BOSS! We would never under any circ*mstances abandon you!'' Bosancius swore.

''Not even if it leads to our death!'' Indarias agreed.

''Boss...'' Xiao's voice was hesitant at the end of the line. "Who are we dealing with?"

Zhongli smiled. ''As much as I want to tell you, I can't for a contract. You'll have to trust me on this. I can only say that this is a powerful faction and that in the end you will receive unexpected help.'' He continued. ''I have my own research, don't worry. Your first post will be as a lookout, when the clock strikes midnight, right behind the awakening phoenix.'' With that he cut the line. An Such a charade would be problematic for the enemy, if he were watching, but it was nothing for those who know Liyue completely.

''Behind the awakening phoenix...!'' Indarias took a deep breath. ''What the hell did the boss mean??!''

''We're good at solving riddles.'' Bonanus noted. ''And if the boss wants more muscle than intelligence, he would have said so. This mission definitely has to be classified. I think we should gather information.''

''Yes, but where is the phoenix?'' Exhaled Indarias.

Bosancius grabbed a flashlight, turning it over and seeing the wish.

''Bosancius, don't see the desire!! Drop the lantern!'' Menogias scolded.

Xiao's eyes widened. ''That's it!''

Everyone looked at him.

He pointed silently at the Lantern Rite's Great Lantern, which was shaped like a...

''Phoenix!'' Indaria whispered. ''It 'awakens' the night because it starts to shine!'' His gaze turned to the Xinyue Kiosk.

''I'll pay.'' Whispered Menogias.


I imagine menogias like that btw:
''im buiyng this bc you bitches don't have any money '

Chapter 67: Contracts


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Once they sat in a nearby room, thanks to Menogias and his growing fortune obtained from matters he was not willing to reveal, everyone pretended to have a low conversation, like any other client, but thanks to the curtains separating each session it was easy to hear, especially with everyone being spies with... uh, custom devices, it didn't take much to convince the other residents that they were leaving while they were actually listening in on everything. When the restaurant became completely silent, they heard an unknown voice.

''Tsaritsa wants, Tsaritsa gets. You have 68 hours to go to the central bank and... pay off your debt in whatever way we can assume is necessary."

''O-of course, sir!''

As soon as the owner of the voice left, the other one remained in an incessant murmur, counting how much money would be needed. When the arrears reached two and a half million, they decided to end the man's suffering. With a blow to the head, Xiao knocked him out with a blow to the head.

Bonanus crouched down, lips curled into a frown. ''It says Northland Bank. We must hunt the Fatui.''

Bosancius sighed. ''And how are we going to hide this guy?? In the boss's basem*nt?'' Indarias looked at him as if he was considering the idea.

''The sedative will last two days.'' Bonanus's smile widened. ''We've got sixty-eight hours and a bench to go to.''

The hotel they chose was, frankly, miserable. Two beds for five people. ''Xiao has the bed for himself!'' Everyone agreed.

''Humf.'' Xiao pursed his lips, but... ''Since you insist, I'll go.'' So, Xiao stared at the ceiling while Bosancius snored like a truck horn.

''... Hey! hey!'' Xiao quickly went to the window.

''Aether?? '' He breathed. ''I wanted to take you on a date.'' Aether formed the words silently. Xiao followed him without hesitation. ''Does it have to do with the mission?''

Aether nodded. In the morning, the Yakshas woke up.

''Huh... where's Xiao?'' Menogias breathed.

''He must be there eating with the people. In fact, I understand that it's not good to attract attention, but Menogias, don't tell me you chose a bad hotel! I love ham!'' Menogias snorted.

''Here's ham, obviously, I know your tastes.'' His gaze became soft. ''I know what every Yaksha likes, and I missed you.''

''Me too.'' Bosancius nodded. ''Hey, what if... we formed a group, after this mission is over? It doesn't matter what for. I just want to see my brothers every day.''

''I...-'' Menogias was interrupted.

''XIAO.'' Lowering his voice, Bonanus said in an alarming tone. “Xiao was kidnapped.”


everything will make sense in the end, I promise

Chapter 68: i believe


one of faces of future

Chapter Text

''OK guys, calm down!'' Ordered Indarias.

''What if he's killed??!


"I won't admit it! THEY'RE GOING TO PAY!''

''CALM DOWN!'' Indarias roared. Everyone was silent. Let's retrace Xiao's clues, he's certainly found some way to leave them, after all he's perpetually alert. Look around.''

''Oh, there!'' Bonanus pointed out. The curtains were kind of torn, which meant that Xiao hadn't gone of his own free will. Left there was a sedative tissue with the mark of the fatui.

''I'm going to KILL this bastard fatui!'' Bosancius grumbled angrily.

"It looks like we have to turn the plan around, since apparently the Fatui know of our intervention and are probably gloriously spreading the word that they have captured one of the Yaksha. Other than that, everyone knows this is to draw us in. We have to do the most unexpected thing possible, something that will take them deeply by surprise."

Bonanus seemed to think. ''I know someone. Tartaglia is close to a friend of Xiao's. No Fatui would expect this boy, Scaramouche to betray them.''

''How are we going to convince him?''

''First we have to convince his boyfriend.''

Chapter 69: Dancing in the dawn


in which Scara love knives and Kazuha is really good with martial fighting.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Are you sure, Scara?'' Nahida asked, worried. ''Someone dangerous could be after you. You were...'' ''I know what it was, aunt.'' Scaramouche sighed. ''I've changed a lot, so don't worry.

Absolutely no one will recognize a boy who disappeared ten years ago and was declared dead. We even made a fake corpse.''

Nahida sighed, but nodded.

When four strangers surrounded Kazuha in an alley, he knew he was in trouble.

''Who are you??!'' Branded Kazuha.

''We don't want to hurt you.'' Said a tall and very muscular stranger. ''I am Bosancius, she Bonanus, Indarias and Menogias.''

Kazuha nodded calmly. ''And why are you after me?''

''Your boyfriend...-'' Bosancius began, but was interrupted by Kazuha kicking him in the face, taking out a knife and calmly placing it under the Yaksha's muscular neck. ''My boyfriend what?'' He questioned softly.

“He can help us recover Xiao! He was caught by the fatui!! Please don't kill Bosancius!'' Indarias begged. She was always the most emotional.

''Fatui, hmm.'' Kazuha put away the knife. ''I never leave anyone behind, so I'll let you ask Scara, but two rules: follow me and don't hurt anyone if they don't want their heads cut off.'' Everyone nodded. It was fair.

''And...'' Kazuha hesitated, cheeks red. ''He's NOT my boyfriend.''

''Here I am, Scara!'' Greeted Kazuha.

Scara scowled at the strangers. ''Why are they here?'' He whispered.

Bonanus coughed. Always diplomatic. ''Our brother, Xiao, was captured by the fatui.''

''He is not a brother by blood.'' Scaramouche noted.

''He is our brother from the heart.'' Menogias defended.

''Okay, I accept.'' Everyone looked at him in disbelief. ''However...-''

''There is always a however.'' Indarias whispered.

''...You will later have to investigate something for me: who wanted to kill Childe.''

''Didn't Childe attempt suicide?'' A knife was stuck to the side of Bosancius' head. ''Listen here: Childe would never try that while I- his brothers are alive. Don't say that again unless you want a knife in your head.'' He whispered dangerously. Bosancius nodded quickly.

''They both have a perverse obsession with knives, that must be why they match.'' Menogias whispered.

Bonanus coughed.

''Back to the topic. I researched the nearest Fatui operating units. They wouldn't have time to take Xiao any further, especially in daylight and especially if he wakes up. Everyone ready?'' They nodded.


upd: im writing more so it takes a time, but i love this story and maybe i update another

Chapter 70: Royalty


Morax kept quiet. ''Release them.''

''Boss... but...'' Bosancius tried.

''Release them.'' Morax hissed.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Xiao was tied up, staring into the distance.

The sight was enough for Bosancius to shatter the glass with his own fists. Silently, the six of them entered the lair. It was surprisingly easy, considering it was owned by the Fatui.

When Menogias went to untie the rope, laughter was heard.

Scaramouche immediately turned pale with fear. ''She's here.'' Whispered. ''Tsaritsa is here.''

They all froze.

The other 11 Harbingers emerged from the shadows, following their queen.

''I figured you'd come.'' Tsaritsa sighed. "I haven't entertained myself in a while. Do a nice dance for me, my children!''

Tartaglia struck first. Scaramouche's eyes filled with tears and cold resolve. ''I'm going to kill you for this, you traitor!''

The others stood like statues, watching the fight. Tartaglia was fighting ferociously, but he wasn't hurting, almost as if he didn't want to...

''Good show, Tsaritsa.'' They all froze. Morax emerged from the shadows with Aether, and Xiao flicked his wrists, freeing himself from the ropes with ease. "Too bad you're outnumbered, and the Yakshas know how to fight. Childe, you can stop the charade now.'' Childe nodded, putting away his knives.

''Tartaglia, dare you betray me?'' Tsaritsa's cold voice said. ''After all I've given you?''

''I'm sorry, my queen.'' Childe scoffed. ''Too bad anyone who drugs me and threatens my family must be eliminated.'' His gaze flew to Scaramouche.

That turned the battle. One by one, the grandiose Harbingers fell. The Tsaritsa remained quiet, until she whispered:

"If you're going to kill me and my protégés, let me first tell you: Celestia wants to take your favor. ''

Morax kept quiet. ''Release them.''

''Boss... but...'' Bosancius tried.

''Release them.'' Morax hissed.

Xiao easily cut the rope that bound the wrists of each Fatui Harbinger.

''Now, tell me, what kind of favor did Celestia do?''


Aether and Xiao boyfriends

Chapter 71: The Ballader


In which Scara tries to stay out of trouble and trouble finds him (kazuha)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Scaramouche is not that boy's name.'' The Tsaritsa spat. Everyone turned to Scaramouche in surprise.

''The inazuman, the one you were targeting... you saved him, the heir to the Raiden Shogun Clan.'' Morax whispered, remembering the first time he saw Tartaglia. While the others whispered, Tartaglia brought Morax aside.

''Exactly.'' Tartaglia nodded darkly. ''The Inazuman Clan asked the gods for powers to send two individuals through time, I remember, and now time demands them again. I naively thought I saved just an ordinary boy, and now my sacred oath prevents me from letting him get hurt. If he dies I will fall into a deep death-like sleep for the next few centuries, but... I want to live this life with you.'' Tartaglia fell into silence, until... ''There is a method of rendering this value useless. . If a god decided to convince the others that this favor was worthless, they would take a vote. Here is one of the Seven Archons, in this room. I can't tell because of the oath but... I trust you and the others to find out who it is.''

''Is it me?'' Morax said immediately. Tartaglia nodded, impressed.

The two returned to the group. Morax looked straight into Tsaritsa's eyes.

''I'm an Archon, aren't I?''' Everyone gasped, but Tsaritsa just nodded. Morax took a deep breath. ''Which favor does Celestia want paid?''

Tsaritsa looked closely at Scaramouche and Kazuha. ''Kazuha of the declining Clan, Kaedehara, asked for authority from the gods to return from the dead. They left him under two conditions: he could not exist at that point in time and he would die before he was seventeen.''

Scaramouche breathed. ''I'll die with him.''

''Hey, hey, not yet!'' Childe interjected. ''As long as the seven archons, or a majority, vote for you to live, you live. You have twenty-six days until Kazuha's birthday, don't you? With the Fatui's wealth it will be easy to track down the other archons.''

''And who said I approve of this?''

Tsaritsa demanded. His ten Harbingers stood still, prepared.

“Your Majesty, I have served you for five hundred years. I know when you're joking.'' Tsaritsa smiled at that.

''True, it caught me this time. Morax obviously has the vote on his side, and so do I.''

''Why- why?'' Scara's voice cracked. ''Why are you helping us?''

Tsaritsa smiled tenderly. ''You were once one of mine, my dear Ballader. Even though you have forgotten, my heart of ice does not allow me to forget you.''

Childe smiled victoriously. ''Two down, five to go."


Hey :))))))) i love drama

Chapter 72: things you cant hear


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Albedo was quiet, drawing. Until an hour ago, at least, but now he could compare his studies of human psychology with the research object in front of him.

''And we're leaving TOMORROW!! Kaedehara may have no more tomorrows!'' Laughed.

Humans can establish personality changes in the face of stress. - Albedo noted.

''Nobody understands! I may never hear your laughter again...''

Sudden adolescent denialism. - Albedo noted.

''And... oh. You know what??! I'm going to sleep. Sleep cures everything!''

Questionable methods of coping. - Albedo noted.

Diluc cleaned the bowl thoroughly. Venti was drinking in his troubles, and with so many mentions of that ridiculous organization, Diluc had to be on his toes.

''You've been cleaning the same bowl for sixteen minutes.'' Kaeya commented lazily.

Diluc ignored him.

''And they're going to take Kazuha!'' Cried. ''Just as they took my Bard! I want my bard, again.''

Aether carefully wiped Venti's weeping cheeks.

Diluc's ears pricked.

''You've got us now.''

Venti... Joined the fatui??

''Brother.'' Kaeya called Diluc back to reality. He made a shh.

''Don't listen. There are things you don't need to hear.''


scaramouche is melodramatic

Chapter 73: Yokai love


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Diluc was afraid of losing the control he had forged for years. He was afraid of wanting something and making everyone drop it. He was afraid to smile, to cry, and he couldn't understand things that others seemed to know.

It was difficult and painful, like being blamed for something he didn't know.

The facade was important. He should keep to himself, not get attached, so other people wouldn't break his heart.

Kirara ran, late with a package full of stickers. He didn't know who it was for, and she was too busy to care anyway.

She knocked on the door, rang the bell and ding ding! The door opened.

Kirara's mouth went unexpectedly dry, and her cheeks flushed. She was simply the most beautiful woman she had ever seen!

The other woman's mouth tightened into a smile. She took the box from Kirara gently and, oh, she opened it. It was full of fabrics that Kirara would love to have the money to buy.

''Let's go dear. You look like you could use some tea. How about giving me your phone number? That way we can have something another time.'' The woman's cheeks flushed softly. ''Is my flirting too obvious?''

Kirara's cheeks turned bright red. This beautiful lady was flirting with her??! It was luck, it had to be. ''Your flirting is charming, my lady.''

The woman smiled.

Now, Kirara should deliver a package addressed to a certain Childe Ajax.


I can't resist writing more of these two

Chapter 74: Baby im the one who put you there


Kirara was silent. ''I... I want to be good at what I do.''

Tartaglia nodded respectfully. ''As long as you have a goal, small mistakes are to be expected. Bring the gnosis quickly, OK?''


Im the first fan of Chirara

Chapter Text

Childe was prepared. He had several agents on guard, some spies and that damn Morax was with him. He doesn't remember when sh*t started going wrong. Somehow the package with two, not one, but two gnosis got lost. And now he was with a yokai trying to call a Chiori. This required time. Kazuha didn't have that time. Childe remembers meeting them, Scaramouche and Kazuha. When you met them they were very interesting individuals, and it seems that hasn't changed. Finally the phone answered.

''Hello, is it Chiori?'' Kirara tried. ''I left the wrong package at your house, but I don't remember exactly where it is.'' The voice on the other line fell silent. ''Kirara, those were fabrics, right? Please tell me yes.''

Kirara looked at Childe nervously. ''No, they were two bottles of teethers for autistic people, handmade.''

The voice became nervous. ''Kirara, those fabrics were made especially for a Shogun Raiden costume. Either you and your agency pay me for the damage within twenty-four hours with new fabrics of equal quality, or I'm sorry, I'll have to report you.” Before Kirara could say anything, Childe unexpectedly replied:

“I can pay for much better fabrics that will be delivered in less than twenty-four hours, Miss Chiori.'' Chiori's voice became friendly.

''With such content, I certainly don't care about origins. Come get your specialized teethers and bring my special package.''

Chiori wasn't disappointed in Kirara, because it suggested a better offer than the previous one, and those teethers looked expensive from a professional point of view. As long as they bring her amethyst-encrusted fabrics, well… she wouldn't complain. And maybe she could suggest a meeting with Kirara...

''Why didn't you let me face the consequences?'' Kirara asked shyly.

Tartaglia smiled. ''You lied about gnosis without hesitation. Anyone else would refuse to hand things over to the mafia. And... You remind me of myself, when I was still a child. Insecure, but with untapped talents.''

Kirara was silent. ''I... I want to be good at what I do.''

Tartaglia nodded respectfully. ''As long as you have a goal, small mistakes are to be expected. Bring the gnosis quickly, OK?''

Chapter 75: I not likes you (sorry, my little brother)


Just as expected, the gnosis package arrived quickly. Kazuha was sleeping peacefully on Scaramouche's lap, as if he wasn't being affected by an old contract that required his death.

If he died, Scara had no qualms about saying that he would die too.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Diluc was used to Kaeya. Cotume didn't mean he cared (he cared too much) And it was only the tavern's laws that kept him from kicking Kaeya out (please, little brother, come back...-)

Diluc didn't have an ounce of love for Kaeya.

(Please don't go... I forgive you.)

Just as expected, the gnosis package arrived quickly. Kazuha was sleeping peacefully on Scaramouche's lap, as if he wasn't being affected by an old contract that required his death.

If he died, Scara had no qualms about saying that he would die too.

''Calm down now.'' Tartaglia stuck his tongue between his teeth, reaching for the fake identities, created by a Fatui intelligence team when Childe 'adopted' Scara. He himself hates that title. Childe definitely didn't adopt him. He refuses.

But now he feels a hint of affection. Childe really helped them at all times needed.

Their bags were packed, their seats were behind a scowling red-haired man. Another guy with eyes that looked like stars and had a certain charm was on the opposite side, but he seemed to be irritating the redhead, considering his furious face. Maybe it was just your usual. Scara was impressed.

It was only when the man sat up properly that Tartaglia uttered a surprised sigh. ''Diluc Ragnvindr.''

Diluc turned away. ''What the hell is the fatui doing here??!

''Dude, speak softer!'' Tartaglia asked. ''I swear we're not doing anything wrong!''

''When the fatui does something not evil??''

"Look, man, I have nothing to do with your dead father, just avoid making a fuss! Kazuha is sick and practically...''

''He's not dead.'' Scaramouche growled.

Diluc was going to say something, probably an insult to the fatui, but the other, probably Kaeya Alberich, took his brother's shoulder carefully. It was a well-known fact in the world of the wine industries that they both hated each other.

It seems like it was more of an exaggeration.

Diluc relented. ''After this plane lands, you'd better be away.''

Zhongli turned. ''Is there something going on?'' he said quietly.

Diluc rubbed his face. ''And damn Morax is here too. It's mafia day of fraternization??!.''



Chapter 76: it come and go in fire


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Bennett smiled at Razor. "I heard that Kazuha and Scara are going to Natlan. Do you remember them? They study in the same place as us.''

Razor grunted. ''Razor... Remember. Good... they're good.''

Bennett's eyes filled with longing. ''I liked Natlan on my first time there.''

Razor held her hand affectionately, and then ran it through her hair. ''Bennett... Will. Natlan waits.''

By some twist of fate, Bennett ended up in Natlan with Razor for an extracurricular assignment.

They were documenting ruins when Razor drew Bennett's attention to three people, Xiao, Childe, and Zhongli.

"I didn't know they were here. How lucky!'' Bennett said, surprised.

But Bennett is unlucky at all. He ran out to greet the three of them, consequently stepping on a rock and falling down the mountain. He only stopped when he reached the end, and lying on the ground he gave a thumbs-up to let them know he was whole.

''Oops, comrade! What a fall!'' Childe helped him to his feet.

''Hehe, bad luck.'' He grumbled, pained.

''Why are you here?''

Bennett had the worst luck in the world, he always felt incredibly lonely but... There were times when the future shone with hope.


yesterday was boring, i hope this day is better

Chapter 77: lies (no lie)


bennett content :3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

''Oh, Kazuha is a little sick.'' Tartaglia lied.

Bennett's eyes lit up in sadness. ''Wow... I know what it's like. But he'll get better, I'm sure!'' He said it bravely and very, very innocently.

Scaramouche pursed his lips.

''Alright, guys.'' Childe interrupted the conversation of stares. ''We've got to go.''

Zhongli nodded, picking up the plan wisely. "It wouldn't be good to keep Kazuha waiting. We want to ask where the Pyro Archon is, though.''

Bennett nodded. "She usually stays at competitive events, but you can find her on the street or in her palace. I'm not going to ask why, don't worry.'' Faced with surprised looks, Bennett simply said, "I know when things are bad. Let me join you!'' His bright smile returned. It seemed to be able to light up even in a blizzard.


hii! <3

Chapter 78: Murata and Tartaglia


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hanging out with Bennett was a sign of his bad luck. He stumbled in dust, fell to the ground seven times in succession.

When they finally arrived at the Archon Pyro's residence, it was obvious that she had just come out of a fight. Even so, she exhibited a sense of dignity, an unprecedented nobility that separated her from the mortal world.

''I suppose they're here for my gnosis.'' Said stiffly, but friendly.

Childe quickly agreed.

"I suppose this is not temporary. What do you desire the gnosis for?"

''Did you know that we came in search of gnosis, but you didn't know why?!'' Scaramouche snorted. Childe shushed him with a serious look.

Unexpectedly, the goddess laughed. ''No problem, I like your attitude and I'm willing to give the gnosis, as long as I win a fair fight in return.''

Tartaglia nodded. ''So me, Tartaglia, and Eleventh Harbinger challenge she, The Pyro Archon and Goddess of War, to a duel.''

The duel lasted several hours and attracted several onlookers who kept their distance so that an accident would not happen. Bennett obviously left to return to his class. Scaramouche wondered how he knew an archon until Zhongli whispered, noticing his curiosity and abstract in the challenge. ''I know what you're thinking. Bennett is an adopted son of the Pyro Archon. He used to be a son by blood, but when he renounced royalty to live a normal life, he lost that bond. Poor guy, always so unlucky.'' He commented, distantly.

Scaramouche could understand him. His mother was the Archon of Inazuma, and he fled royalty and switched identities thanks to Childe, who could have turned him in to the mafia and made a fortune from it. But he didn't.

That's why, among the few people he trusts, Childe and his siblings are among them.

In time, Kunikuzushi of Inazuma was declared dead.

The duel ended with a knife to Tartaglia's throat and a laugh from the Pyro Archon, Goddess of War.

''Murata.'' Come for a cold voice. ''Why are you fighting with my Eleventh Harbinger? The contract was simple enough. Not. Fight.''

''Sorry...'' Murata whispered. ''Im sorry, Tsaritsa.''


hey, hope you liked this

Murata is lesbian for me and she is wanting tsaritsa hahah

Chapter 79: You re everthing than the gold try to be


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Murata smiled. ''Good to see you too, Tsaritsa.''

Childe knelt down, not just out of respect for her, but for her ideals. ''Your Majesty.''

''My eleventh.'' He called, softly. ''Lady Murata has been a problem. She would have been worse, but I'm here to pull her ears.''

''aw. That hurt, sweety!'' Murata grumbled. Tartaglia was inclined to agree.

Tsaritsa bent down, pressing a kiss to Murata's cheek with all the grace of a god. It has not lost its magnificence, even though there is no snow in sight. She was deathly beautiful.

Tartaglia knew now that he and Her Majesty would be in every possible newspaper before midnight struck.

Zhongli pondered the choice of Tsaritsa. On the one hand, revealing that Murata is alive and undenied made the people celebrate and she got out of most things, after all she was a goddess, and if they wanted to steal the other gnosis, they would need to be extremely diplomatic.

At night, he heard Childe whisper in his ear: "You remain the most beautiful person, to me.

''Does anyone know anything about the Anemo Archon??''

''I hate you, damn it.''

''You know you love me, Xiao.''


i hope you enjoy

Chapter 80: Say you remember me


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Aether hissed when asked about the anemo archon: "Just because I have anemo powers doesn't mean I know where the gods are."

That left them with only one option, Xiao.

Xiao was everything, but because he was loyal to his god, he just said "Follow me."

And now Scaramouche was standing at 2:30 a.m. in a bar and hoping that the bartender wouldn't cut off their heads or that Barbatos wouldn't use them to fund his drinking habits. Of course, Scaramouche doesn't blame the guy, imagine being alive for so long? But like, he expected more from a god.

A violent knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. The god was kicked out of the bar, even very gently, and Diluc looked at him and ordered, "Take care of him." And it's gone.

Barbatos laughed sadly. ''I miss the old Diluc, but he hasn't changed at all.''

''Good plea to leave you on the street drunk with a stranger.'' Scara grumbled, holding out his hand.

''Oh, but he knows you.'' A glint of wisdom flashed across the god's eyes, so fast that Scaramouche thought he was seeing things. "My boyfriends, Aether and Xiao, have been alive long enough to see you as a child and witness your first breath. I told this to he."

''Is that a way of saying you're all immortal?''

''Shhhh!'' Barbatos whispered hurriedly. ''And it's not Barbatos, it's Venti.''

''Can you read my mind??! I demand that you stop immediately.''

''Good reaction, but no, it was just written in your face, my dear friend.'' Venti paused. ''I miss your old self too, even if you're the same, but do you really crave the gnosis? They harbor many inexplicable things...-''

''Even if I die, I'll get the gnosis.'' Cut Scaramouche. ''I can't stand people coming and going anymore, I want someone who stays.''

''Or maybe, just maybe...'' Venti sighed. ''You want someone you can keep up with.''

Scaramouche was silent.

''Ehe, just daydreams.'' Riu Venti. ''You can take my Gnosis. Good luck with Raiden Hey!''

And Venti staggered off towards Xiao and Aether's temporary apartment.


Aether, Xiao and Venti travel togheter

Chapter 81: because im tired


in witch Childe starts the morning with a spear is his throat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Xiao wouldn't let go of the bone. The truth is that there was a price for gnosis: it was supposed to guarantee the return of everyone, alive. He must do so, or else his loves would interfere, and he would be the last to put them in danger.

It was a relationship that was supposed to benefit everyone.

But the only thing he needed was to see Childe dancing rasputin. That red-haired idiot Snezhnayan.

''Oh, come on, it was just a little dance.'' Tartaglia pleaded with an almost horrified Scaramouche.

''I'm going to throw acid in my eyes.''

Xiao was waiting for them at the door, and he couldn't help but agree.

''TARTA, TARTAGLIA!'' Childe sang briefly before being interrupted by a spear to his throat.

''No. Dare it.'' Xiao hissed.

''For what it's worth,'' Zhongli closed the bedroom door. ''I really liked your dancing, Ajax.''

Tartaglia's cheeks took on a shade of bright red. ''Hahah, it was nothing, Zhongli Xiangsheng!''

Xiao has had a master before.

He was cruel and ruthless. One day, Morax took him in, and when he died, Xiao was willing to protect his incarnations.

It doesn't compare to everything Zhongli has done for him.


i hate celestia but luv you zhongli

Chapter 82: i cant hide my demons


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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At first, there was only Ajax and their brothers. As time passed, only he remained. Morax chose to die, but Ajax, deep down, understood him. Zhongli never chose to be an immortal being, unlike Tartaglia.

That doesn't mean he didn't avoid all of Zhongli's incarnations, which seemed to cling to him like glue.

But here, in this incarnation, he arrived at the right time. Despite their grudges, it was time for both of them to pay their dues. Ajax surreptitiously bid farewell to the incarnation of his brothers.

Ajax brought the gnosis close to the chest. ''It looks like even the Raiden Shogun can be bribed.'' He said simply, ignoring everyone's disbelief, and didn't elaborate.

''Yes,'' Scaramouche said first, recovering from the surprise. ''Now all that's missing is Nahida and Focalors.''

But didn't Focalors give up his throne in heaven? How could she still have a gnosis?'' Zhongli asked. Before, he used to know.

''It has been in the possession of the Fatui ever since.'' Childe said, his throat dry. ''All that's missing is your aunt, Scara.''

Scaramouche's face turned bright red. ''It's not my aunt! And don't call me Scara.'' Added.

Childe smiled, though he didn't want to. ''Then let's visit your non-aunt! I'm looking forward to meeting Nahida.''

''In all these centuries, and you still haven't met her?!? Scaramouche asked, incredulous.

''Pffff, of course not. We immortals are not a cult!" Childe snorted.

''You look beautiful when you laugh.'' Zhongli whispered softly. Childe didn't answer, but he felt his heart stop in a good way.

Scaramouche still carried an unconscious Kazuha as if it were his salvation. After fleeing from the Tenshukako, Kazuha and he wandered alone, but before, - there was always a before - Scaramouche had to hide from the nobles who walked the streets, mingle with the poorer neighborhoods, and even when his clothing was unstitched at certain points, and even when he couldn't sleep for fear that they would bring him back to the Tenshukako,

Even when he realized he couldn't even buy an apple... He never regretted it. Kazuha found him at that point, and even with this past-life business, Scara owes Kazuha a LOT.

And when Kazuha left, he owed it to Childe. And he knew that Ajax considered him a brother.



Chapter 83: dandelion in the wind go, where are you


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Scara repeated it in his mind. I hate you, Kaedehara Kazuha!!

Kazuha was still lying down as if he were sleeping. If this is your first time Nahida has met Kazuha... Scaramouche made a noise of frustration.

He wasn't frustrated with Kazuha, he had no way of guessing, but selfishly he blamed fate and... he didn't want to be upset with Kazuha, but he was. Couldn't he make a better deal with Celestia?? Scaramouche shook himself.

Scaramouche longed for Kazuha, and supposedly for centuries. He doesn't have many memories of his grimy childhood with orders from the Shogun, but his adolescence and a bit of his childhood was all Kazuha.

He remembers them baking pancakes. He remembers Kazuha and him competing that he could shout louder. He remembers their movies seen together, their games, their shared secrets, and waking up at dawn on a Saturday just because Kazuha wanted to read with Scara.

He remembers when Kazuha made a letter with Scara's drawing on it.

''Scarameow.'' Kazuha said at the time.

How could he forget?

Nahida looked at them, curious. ''... So you've traveled so far through my gnosis.''

''Yes, Auntie.'' Scara ignored Childe.

Nahida was silent. They all exchanged fearful glances.

Nahida laughed. ''Why did you think I would refuse?''


pov nahida reading all mind and Childe was empty lol


Chapter 84: bad days bring good moments


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Scaramouche gathered the gnosis close to his chest, fearing they would disappear. They dove into Kazuha's chest as if it were water. Scaramouche closed his eyes and asked any vagrant god to make it work.

Kazuha kept his eyes closed, but... they-

The first thing Kazuha saw was Scara's face.

He was tired, very tired, but he still smiled. ''Hey, did you miss me?''

scaramouche hugged Kazuha. "Don't ever sleep like that again. Promise.''

Scaramouche can feel Kazuha's smile. ''I promise.''

The Tsaritsa winked at them. ''I have a proposal.''

''Say it.'' Scara sighed. He was very tame because Kazuha had just just woken up and it made him want to smile. But all help comes at a price. Scaramouche had been waiting for this.

''Do you want to be my Harbingers? Let's take down Celestia, together?'' The goddess asked. They have a choice. Scara can say not.

Scaramouche did nothing but stare at Kazuha.

''I'm not one for vendettas, but...'' Kazuha pondered and unexpectedly... ''But Celestia deserves what she'll get.''

To this, Scaramouche consented.


the reactions of others to see Kazuha alive will be in the next chapter hehe ;33

Chapter 85: The Final Revange.


In the midst of the turbulent path of eternity, a single pillar remains. The deity and its remnants can hardly look forward to the coming vengeance.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Scaramouche's coat was well-fitting, but he still felt like a rabbit that a snake had caught. He and Kazuha walked in total silence. It was finally time to cast out evil.

They both knelt down, the room completely silent even with the hundreds of bigwigs, plus the Fatui Hrbingers.

"Now I dedicate the mantle of twelfth and thirteenth to thee, The Ballader and The Symphony."

Scaramouche and Kazuha looked at each other. Now it was time to get revenge on Celestia.


We're almost done, hehe, hope it was good ;3

(the titles of Ballader and Symphony match togheter <33 i hope someone got it

Chapter 86: They Call Me Royalty


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Scaramouche opened his eyes, a smile not kind and definitely not amused. He stared at Celestia as if he could burn her with fire until the heavenly principles were nothing but dust.

Kazuha grabbed his hand.

"Dainsleif is already on the other side of the story. We are exactly 600 years away from that day, from the Khaenri'ah Cataclysm. He's going to attack the Celestial principles, and with that Venti doubles the time so we can eliminate Celestia once and for all. Symphony said, calmly. The Ballader grabbed his hand.

''Are you sure you want to get back your memories from before the contract with Celestia?''

''I have.''

''So I have it too. I will follow you to the end of this world, until we are dust, and in the many lives after that."

Ballader took a deep breath. ''I do too. I promise. Forever. Let's make our own eternity.''

When they were children, Kuni was inseparable from Kazuha. In his youth, too, so much so that there was little, if anything, that Kazuha did not know about Kunikuzushi.

''They call you inazuman royalty.''

''But you're my prince, Kazu.''


i hope you enjoy :DD

Chapter 87: Someone To You


YES, it is connected with The Legacy of Khaenri'ah. GOOD DAY AND GOOD NIGHT!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

''FELLOWS!'' Venti made his voice echo on the battlefield, Scara noted. Everything quieted down. CELESTIA ORDERS THE MASSACRE TO CEASE. MORAX HOLDS THE KEY TO EXTINGUISHING FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE!" Scaramouche smiled. He loves drama.

''Wait...'' Egeria said. "How do we know you're legit?"

"DO YOU DARE TO QUESTION CELESTIA'S VOICE?" The twins, as well as the plane, descended from the sky with their wings on their backs. Celestia's 'messengers'.

Kazuha held his hand.

''I am the Geo Archon, and I relinquish my throne.'' Morax said. Its golden light faded, and Celestia seemed to lean to the ground.

''I am the Anemo Archon!'' Barbatos sang. ''And I renounce my throne!''

''I am the Dendro Archon, and I renounce my throne!''

''I am the Archon Pyro, and I renounce my throne!'' Celestia seemed on the verge of collapse. The swath of forbidden knowledge about heaven seemed to quiet.

Tsaritsa stepped forward.

''I am the Cryo Archon, and I renounce my throne!''

Celestia fell on the track, and the only thing everyone saw was a huge explosion.

The last thing Scaramouche saw was Kazuha's laughter. It was kind and tasted like freedom.



Chapter 88: and if...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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"Welcome home." Nahida, or a very young version of her, jumped for joy. Tartaglia nodded and withdrew, possibly to report to the others that Scaramouche had woken up.

Kazuha was smiling. ''I told you I would follow you to the end of the world.''

''And you accompanied me.'' Scaramouche whispered.

Kazuha gave Scara a tender kiss. ''I love you.''

''awwwww.'' Yoimiya sighed, taking a picture of the scene. ''Ayaka, when is it our turn?''

Ayaka's cheeks reddened.

Itto celebrated. ''How about a beetle battle to liven up the mood?''

A voice cut it all off. ''Scaramouche.'' Sighed, Hey. "I'm sorry. I know you don't want me to be in your life anymore. I just wanted to know if you're better.'' They looked at each other in mutual understanding. ''There are things we can't have.'' Scaramouche agreed.

Ei gave one last smile and walked away.

Later, Scaramouche was sitting on Beidou's ship.

Kazuha sat down with him.

''You know... I don't want this to be our last adventure.'' Scara whispered, looking at the horizon.

''Then why should we stop?'' Kazuha perked up.

Scara looked at him, confused.

"Captain Beidou has the most epic stories! Why don't we make our own?''

Scaramouche's eyes smiled. ''Alright, then.'' The horizon no longer seemed so far away. ''Come make new adventures and legends with me, Kazu?''

''With you, always.''


OK hahah it is the real final

return the color of my autumn - TheDarkness_Bookstan - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.