Basic Recipe: Suet Dumplings (2024)

20th January 2010 by hopeeternal

Suet comes traditionallyfrom beef cattle, but also occasionally fromsheep and is the shredded fat takenfrom around the internal organs. Combined with flour, saltand a little waterit is formed into ball shapes which are called dumplings. (Suet can also be the fat content of a sweet or savourywinter pudding or of a roly-poly, both which are usually quite satisfying, or it can be made into suet crust pastry. Suet is alsoone of the ingredients of sweet mincemeat which is most commonly made intoMincePies at Christmas and is alsoa major ingredientofthe traditional Christmas Pudding.) Suet dumplings are often added to warming casseroles or stews, mostly in cold weather, where they cook in the gravy, but they can also be steamed and servedseparately. This is usuallyeaten as part of a hearty mealwith potatoes, although I usually serve them as an alternative.

I always buy vegetable suet, although I am not vegetarian. Itis readly available and is made from vegetable fats. It contains less saturated fatso I feel it is slightly healthier, especially as the version I buycontains30% less fat than meat suet.Dumplings benefit from gentle handling withhands and ingredients both beingas cold as possible. Additional flavourings can be added to dumplings,a common example beingherbs.The Atora website gives some good hints and tips for using suet and a number of recipes. The basic recipe for making dumplings is verysimple and the one belowcomes fromthe side of apacketof Atora Light Suet.I have frozen dumplings but they are much better made and used immediately and it is such a simple method there is really no need to freeze. Dumplings can be served plain, as in this basic recipe, or can be flavoured (see alternative versions and links to recipes further down this page).

'Meanderings through my Cookbook'

(Suet Dumplings cooked in )

Suet Dumplings
(Serves 3/4 alongside potatoes – double quantity if serving in place of potato)

100g/4ozs self-raising flour
50g/2ozs shredded suet
pinch of salt
5 tbsp cold water, aproximately
Herbs or other ingredients to flavour – optional

1. Mix the flour, suet and salt with the water. It should not be sticky but soft and pliable. If too dryadd a little more water: if too sticky add a little more flour.

2. Using floured hands divide dough into 8 pieces and shape into balls.

3. Place on the top of a stew or casserole where the liquid is already simmering. Cover with a well fitting lid and cook gently for about 20minutes.

4. Serve hot.

Further recipes for dumplings:
(Please leavecomments about the following recipeswith the recipe at the link givenrather than here – thank you)

'Meanderings through my Cookbook'

(with plain dumplings using above recipe)

Pork Goulash Soup/Stewwith CarawayDumplings

'Meanderings through my Cookbook'

Alternative flavourings –tried and ideas:
Fennel Seeds(to replace Caraway Seeds)
Toasted Sesame seeds
Cumin seeds
Herbs, dried or fresh
Grated root vegetable, particularly carrot (see above), parsnip or beetroot
Citrus zest

Dried fruit

Anything else? Comments appreciated especially tried and trusted ideas!

Posted in Basic recipe | Tagged cooking, food, recipe | 12 Comments

12 Responses

  1. on 19th June 2010 at 1:58 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (5) Alanna

    Can you tell me the best way to steam these dumplings? (will be filling with bacon and onion, not adding to a stew)
    Welcome Alanna: I’m afraid that I have very little experience on steaming dumplings separately to stew, but I would put them in a steamer basket over a pan of gently simmering water, carefully turning them after a while if necessary, until they are cooked. I like the idea of filling them rather than putting them in with meat so I think I will experient with the idea when winter comes again. I do hope this works out for you and would be pleased to hear (via these comments) any information you have to pass back. Thanks!

  2. on 10th March 2012 at 11:07 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (6) Sue Schroter

    Try steaming dumplings in a bamboo Chinese steamer basket. This is how the Asian cooks steam their pork buns
    Thank you Sue: Using a steamer basket, bamboo or metal, is definitely an option for cooking dumplings if you do not want them cooked in with the stew. Chinese dumplings are delicious!

  3. on 14th May 2012 at 2:02 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (7) Theresa Danderson

    My mother used to make large suet dumpling laying it out on cheese cloth fill the middle with sauted onion slices, sauteed chopped baby beef liver, fully chopped fried bacon (put what ever items to try for your own taste). Using butchers twine wrapping in a ladder pattern. Wrap firmly in the dumpling. Using a spaghetti pot, once boiling place the packet in so it can move around. I never got the recipe from my mom but I know what it tasted like. Your suet dumplings sound about what I remember.
    Thanks for your comment and memories Theresa.
    Suet pastry can be rolled out and filled with either sweet or savoury filling: as a ‘jam roly-poly’ for example, which is a traditional British dish.
    As is usual, I am assuming your suet roll is wrapped in a couple of layers of greaseproof paper before tying with string. The liver, bacon and onion filling sounds good to me!
    I am sure the recipe I have outlined can be used to make a similar suet roll, with either beef or vegetarian suet. I hope you get a chance to try your family recipe.

  4. on 13th April 2013 at 2:20 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (8) simon

    Hi just came across your site as I’m looking to try and make suet dumplings for the first time. When I was a child I loved them especially with mince. Don’t know if they’ll turn out like I remember but one can only try.
    I just have one comment to make and that’s on a previous post, why wait for winter personally I would eat stews and casseroles any time of year.
    Welcome Simon
    Of course you can eat dumplings whenever you want and they are not just for the winter but I can think of nothing more warming when the weather is cold. They are really simple to make so you are bound to be successful. Enjoy!

  5. on 14th July 2013 at 8:10 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (9) djpixc

    just about to try my mint dumplings, with a beef and koppaberg pear cider stew, just kind of improvised, i’ll let people know how they go, used dried mint and 2 teaspoons of mint sauce
    Sounds interesting – will wait to hear how this turns out. Herby dumplings are lovely.

  6. on 17th July 2013 at 12:38 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (10) Jo Former Brighton girl

    Made plain dumplings last night with a chicken and veg stew despite the 36 degree heat, was in the mood for comfort food. They were so lovely.
    Glad you enjoyed them. Not sure I would have been so brave. I have been sticking to salads and staying out of the kitchen as much as possible!

  7. on 17th November 2013 at 1:00 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (11) Uni student

    My dad always makes cheese dumplings, exactly the same as the recipe above but use grated cheese instead of suet. They’re delicious but I can never get them to taste as nice as his.
    Thank you Rachel
    Grated cheese does make a very good and tasty substitute for suet. It’s one of the variations which I have not got round to posting. I wonder if your dad uses a particular type or brand of cheese to get the flavour you are trying to copy – or even just an extra mature type. A little mustard adds good flavour too (English for heat or, my favourite, Dijon) as does paprika or even some cayenne pepper. Thank you for the reminder – must make these again!

  8. on 7th May 2014 at 3:37 am | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (12) Isabel Durkin

    My mother used a similar recipe but sometimes added 2oz of sugar and cooked them over stewed apples as a fantastic winter dessert. Brings back great memories.
    Suet is lovely used for sweet desserts too. Just not good for the waistline! This post was concentrating on savouries hence no mention of Jam Roly Poly etc. Your mother’s method seems a useful and easy version and especially good for the cold weather.
    Thank you for getting in touch.

  9. on 17th December 2015 at 5:12 am | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (13) wendy large

    Mine seem to use up all of the gravy in the stew and are sometimes stodgy. What am I doing wrong?!
    Hello Wendy
    Dumplings are rather stodgy anyway – I often serve them in place of potatoes. The only suggestion I could make is that you use even more liquid in your dish so you have some gravy left. Hope this is helpful.

  10. on 15th October 2018 at 4:30 am | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (14) Chris Lees

    Thank you for all the information here, much appreciated. I usually make homemade chicken stock the day before (chicken wings, carrots, celery, onion, other vegies in the fridge, garlic, salt etc.). So the base for the dumplings is nice and rich. Then on the day I make the dumplings (here it important to take a light hand – if you ‘overwork’ them they become tough).

    But even so I wanted to see if I could steam the dumplings and then just drop them into bowls of warm chicken soup (this leaves the original stock nice and clear, and obviously, makes the stock go further).

    My husband considers this a whole meal and really it is so easy to make.

    I am going to try the bamboo steamer method tonight. I might even mix the suet/flour with cold chicken stock instead of water. Anyway here goes…

  11. on 11th October 2023 at 2:00 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (15) Su Woodco*ck

    We like Cheesey Dumplings. Could I add a handful of plain mashed potato to dumpling mix, do you think?
    Su from Not-So-Sunny Scarborough!

    • on 11th October 2023 at 2:52 pm | Reply Basic Recipe: SuetDumplings (16) hopeeternal

      Afraid I haven’t tried that. I’d suggest you experiment.

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Basic Recipe: Suet Dumplings (2024)


What are the 3 components of dumplings? ›

Everything you need to know about dumplings!
  • What are dumplings made of? The dumpling dough is made of three main ingredients: flour, water and salt. ...
  • A Round Up: What is a dumpling made of? - Flour. ...
  • Can you freeze dumplings? ...
  • What fillings can I use in my dumplings? ...
  • Some recommended dumpling fillings:

Can I use plain flour for suet dumplings? ›

Suet dumplings are fairly stodgy at the best of times (in a good way!), but they lean towards too stodgy if you use plain flour. If you only have plain flour in the house, add some baking powder as well, to help them rise and become fluffy. This post suggests using 1 tsp of baking powder for every 100g of plain flour.

Why are my suet dumplings heavy? ›

Overworking the mixture, thus having heavy dumplings is a common mistake people make. Dumplings need very gentle handling, so mix only until the ingredients are just combined, and if your recipe involves rolling them out with extra flour, avoid using too much.

What are the 3 main ways to cook dumplings? ›

Dumplings can be steamed (zhēngjiǎo, 蒸饺), pan-fried (jiānjiǎo, 煎饺), or boiled (shuǐjiǎo, 水饺, literal translation: water dumpling). They are then served with a dipping sauce, like Chinese black vinegar or our favorite dumpling sauce recipe. They can also be eaten with hot pot meals or served in soup!

What kind of flour is best for dumplings? ›

These dumplings start with all-purpose flour, which creates structure and holds the other ingredients together. Baking powder is a leavening agent, which means it releases gas that makes the dough expand. It's responsible for the dumplings' light and fluffy texture.

What are traditional dumplings made of? ›

Dumpling is a broad class of dishes that consist of pieces of cooked dough (made from a variety of starchy sources), often wrapped around a filling. The dough can be based on bread, wheat or other flours, or potatoes, and it may be filled with meat, fish, tofu, cheese, vegetables, or a combination.

Can you substitute Crisco for suet? ›

If you can't find suet then we have found that grated vegetable shortening (such as Trex, Crisco or Copha) is a good substitute. To grate the shortening firstly freeze a stick or block of it until firm but not solid (this usually takes about 30 minutes).

What can I use instead of lard in suet? ›

The recipe is written for lard, but I used saved bacon grease and it has worked fine.

Why do you put cornstarch in dumplings? ›

The cornstarch will absorb excess water, which will then convert to steam, allowing the bottoms to form that crisp crust.

Do you cook dumplings with the lid on or off? ›

When the stew has about 30 mins to go, arrange the dumplings on top and cover with a lid. With the oven at 160C/140C fan/gas 3, cook the stew and dumplings for 20 mins, then remove the lid and cook for another 10 mins until they're brown and puffed up.

Are suet dumplings bad for you? ›

I've done a little investigating, and to be honest, suet isn't so much worse than butter in the health stakes that you should avoid it. It has more fat than butter, but then butter is composed of fat and water held in suspension — hence when you melt it there is always a little white liquid in the bottom of the pan.

Why do my dumplings fall apart when I cook them? ›

Often they burst during cooking because they have too much filling for the amount of dough. Some doughs are too dry, so the dumplings won't stay sealed. Others can be too wet and sticky and end up tearing. If the filling isn't cohesive enough, it will tumble out when you bite into it.

Why are my homemade dumplings tough? ›

Don't Overwork the Dumpling Dough

Stir everything together until the wet and dry ingredients are combined and you don't see any more dry flour. The dough might look a little lumpy, but that's okay! Overworking the dough is one of the easiest ways to end up with tough dumplings.

How to tell when dumplings are done? ›

Typically, they are done when they float to the surface of the boiling water. However, if your dumplings have meat fillings, you may want to wait an extra minute or two to ensure the insides are completely cooked.

What is in the dumplings in the movie dumplings? ›

Mei cooks her some special dumplings which she claims to be effective for rejuvenation. She tells Mrs. Li that the secret ingredient for her rejuvenating dumplings is unborn fetuses imported from an abortion clinic in Shenzhen, where she used to work. Mrs.

What is dumpling dough made of? ›

From-scratch dumpling dough requires only two ingredients — flour and water — and the water temperature yields different types of wrappers. Cold water is best for boiled dumplings because it causes the flour's proteins to form the gluten that makes dough chewy and able to withstand vigorously boiling water.

What categorizes a dumpling? ›

The very word has so many different definitions depending on where you find yourself in the world. Wikipedia defines dumpling as a broad classification for a dish that consists of pieces of dough wrapped around a filling or pieces of dough with no filling.

What are the main types of dumplings? ›

Here are the seven main types of Chinese dumplings:
  • Siu Mai. Pronunciation - Shoo my. ...
  • Jiaozi. Pronunciation - Jow zee. ...
  • Xiao Long Bao. Pronunciation - Shau Long Bao. ...
  • Har Gao. Pronunciation - ha-gaow. ...
  • Bao Zi. Bao Zi is the overall category of bun-shaped dumplings with thick dough wrapping with filling. ...
  • Wontons. ...
  • Sheng Jian Bao.

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