Sinking the Bismarck: One of The Greatest Chases in Naval History (2024)

They were some of the last great duels of big gunned battleships in history. At the end of May, 80 years ago in 1941, there were a series of engagements in the Atlantic known simply as the hunt for the German super-battleship, the pride of Hitler’s shipbuilding programme, Bismarck.

The most senior German naval officers were desperate to prove themselves before the start of Hitler’s giant invasion of the Soviet Union later in the summer. As soon as their newest battleship, Bismarck, the world’s biggest and most powerful commissioned warship, was ready it was sent to sea. Its mission was to scythe through Britain’s vulnerable supply lines from the rest of the world – ships carrying the food, raw materials and oil to keep Britain’s people fed, and its war industries running.

Britain sent the battleships of its Home Fleet to sea, and scrambled to redeploy resources all over the Atlantic from Gibraltar to the coast of the Americas. Ever since Renaissance princes like James IV of Scotland and his southern rival Henry VIII had placed cannon on ships, battleships had dominated the world’s oceans.

The mighty clash at Jutland in 1916 saw a clash of the two most powerful fleets of battleships ever assembled as Britain and Germany fought for control of the seas. Many survivors of that clash were aboard the ships that now, once again, were at war. This time around revolutionary new weapon systems, in their infancy at Jutland, were now capable of changing the course of war at sea.

The first sighting

Bismarck was located from the air. A reconnaissance Spitfire flew over the Norwegian fjords in which the battleship and its accompanying vessels, like the cruiser Prinz Eugen, were anchored on 21 May. It was electrifying news – the commander of the British Home Fleet in Scapa Flow despatched two of his battleships, Hood and Prince of Wales to beef up the British presence in the North Atlantic, and placed his other ships on standby.

The German flotilla left Norway and passed through the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland. On 23 May, the smaller British ships Norfolk and Suffolk picked up the scent and shadowed the Germans, radioing in their positions. Norfolk got too close in the freezing fog and Bismarck fired her guns in anger for the first time. The British cruiser was ‘straddled’ by giant shells (landing either side of the ship) and was lucky to escape only with superficial damage.

The following dawn was beautiful. The sea was, briefly, relatively smooth, and reflected the glorious pinks of the sunrise. Watching seamen felt it an appropriate backdrop, because the Royal Navy’s battleships had found the Germans and were closing to intercept – battle was inevitable.

‘The Mighty Hood‘ and the Prince of Wales

Hood was feted as the most powerful warship on earth, but it was old, and due an upgrade to her deck armour. Prince of Wales was conversely so new that civilian engineers were still aboard trying to finish her. Admiral Holland, aboard Hood, thought thebest thing to do was close the range as quickly as possible and batter Bismarck, which together they outgunned.

At 0552 the British guns roared sending three quarter of a ton high explosive shells over 14 miles to the German ships. Steaming hard into the wind the spray blinded some of their range finding gear and the rear turrets could not be brought to bear.

Aboard Bismarck the admiral, Lütjens, seemed temporarily paralysed. He had hoped to avoid fighting British capital ships and here was the mighty Hood charging into action. Bismarck’s Captain Lindemann took matters into his own hands and ordered his gunnery officer to open fire saying, “I will not let my ship be shot out from under my arse.”

The Germans scored hits on the British, in return the Prince of Wales managed to send a shell slicing through Bismarck’s forecastle, not exploding but causing significant damage. Unfortunately for the British the impact of that damage would be measured in hours and days, whereas the fate of this battle would be decided in seconds.

At 0559 Holland felt he had closed the range enough and ordered his ships to turn and present their full broadsides to the Germans. As Hood responded to his command, she steered straight into the path of a salvo from Bismarck. One shell crashed down through the deck armour, into the bowels of the ship and seems to have detonated in a magazine – this caused an astonishing chain reaction which saw Hood torn apart by a gigantic explosion.

The shattered remnant of her hull sank within seconds taking 1,415 men to the bottom. Just three survivors were later picked up.

Sinking the Bismarck: One of The Greatest Chases in Naval History (1)

German battleship Bismarck firing at HMS Hood

Image Credit: Alamy

Prince of Wales now faced Bismarck and Prinz Eugen’s fire alone. One shell smashed into the bridge and killed or wounded nearly everyone present. Another punched through its armour and came to rest in the depths of the ship. It failed to ignite, had it done so the ship may have joined the Hood. Within a couple of minutes the Prince of Wales put down a smoke screen and made its escape.

Hunting down the Bismarck

The British were appalled, while in Germany Hitler’s propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, made the most of this stunning victory. Churchill described the next few days as the toughest of the war so far. Bismarck managed to give the shadowing British ships the slip, and threatened to take a terrible toll on the convoys that represented Britain’s lifeline.

Every ship available was redirected to hunt down and destroy the German battleship. An ancient British battleship Rodney had been on its way for a refit in America – it was turned around, and other ships were told to abandon their convoy duties and join the hunt.

Bismarck in fact was not hell-bent on destroying merchant ships but was heading for a friendly port, in occupied France, to repair the damage caused by the Prince of Wales. The problem for the Royal Navy was that she had managed to give her pursuers the slip under cover of darkness.

Sinking the Bismarck: One of The Greatest Chases in Naval History (2)

Map of the Operation “Rheinübung” and Royal Navy operations against the German battleship Bismarck, with approximate movements of ship groups and places of aerial attacks.

Image Credit: Wikimedia: Citypeek / CC

A grim 24 hours followed for the British until, thanks to intercepted radio messages, decoded by Bletchley Park, and a flying boat operating out of Northern Ireland, Bismarck was found. She was 700 miles northwest of Brest and would be under protective Luftwaffe shore-based fighter cover within a day. The only British asset that might be able to stop her was the contingent of torpedo bombers aboard HMS Ark Royal steaming up from Gibraltar.

The sinking of the Bismarck

At dusk on 26 May, in mountainous seas and a full gale, canvas Swordfish biplanes carrying torpedoes clawed their way into the air and headed around 50 miles to attack Bismarck. Flying so low the wind blew sea spray into the co*ckpits, the Swordfish made their heroic attempt. Bismarck fired its main armament, sending up giant walls of water which further drenched the aircraft and crews.

Two torpedoes found their targets, one caused someminor flooding as it hit Bismarck’s heavily armoured hull, the other, by absolute fluke hit the German giant’s Achilles Heel, her unprotected steering gear. The rudders were disabled, the port rudder remained jammed at an angle, despite everything the crew could do to free it up.

That night the German admiral reported that his ship was unmanoeuvrable, but “We will fight to the last shell. Long live the Führer.” Neither Bismarck nor the Führer had long to live.

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All that night small destroyers harassed Bismarck, denying its crew any respite or sleep. On 27 May, two British battleships emerged out of the gloomy dawn. They had been able to close the gap with the disabled Bismarck and now closed for the kill.

The German was still a terrible threat, she straddled Rodney with one of her first salvoes. But unable to steer properly, battered by giant waves, her aim deteriorated. British shells started to smash into her superstructure. After 20 minutes of battle a shell blew up on her bridge and the German admiral, captain and their staffs were killed. After further terrible punishment, at 0930 the senior surviving German officer ordered his men to abandon ship.

Bismarck was a shambles, its superstructure carved into a grotesque, smoking ruin, fires throughout, scenes of carnage on board that defy description. Aboard one of the British battleships a chaplain took the highly unusual step of begging the senior officers to ceasefire. He was politely told to back off.

Eventually the battleships, dangerously low on fuel and nervous about the submarine threat, broke off the engagement and it was left to the smaller HMS Dorsetshire to fire torpedoes into Bismarck from point-blank range. The pride of Hitler’s navy sank at 1040.

Sinking the Bismarck: One of The Greatest Chases in Naval History (4)

Drawing of the sinking of the Bismarck

Image Credit: Alamy

Britain undefeated

Britain had despatched the greatest threat to its control of the Atlantic. It had required the biggest naval effort of the war thus far and had cost the totemic Hood, with damage to others. But Churchill was determined to demonstrate the commitment and capacity of the Royal Navy to the Americans, who he was actively encouraging to enter the war, and the destruction of Bismarck allowed him to do just that.

Conversely Hitler was furious, he restricted the flow of supplies to his fleet, denied them freedom to operate as they wished and turned his back on a maritime strategy. He was to become absorbed in his invasion of the Soviet Union, due to be launched in a few weeks’ time. But he would turn east with Britain undefeated in the west, her supply lines to the rest of the world intact.

Sinking the Bismarck: One of The Greatest Chases in Naval History (2024)


How historically accurate is Sink the Bismarck? ›

The action sequences are reasonably true to events, except that the 4th Destroyer Flotilla did not lose a ship during the night action, and the Ark Royal did not lose a Swordfish torpedo bomber.

Why did the British Royal Navy want to Sink the Bismarck so badly? ›

Determined to avenge the sinking of the "Pride of the Navy" HMS Hood in the Battle of the Denmark Strait, the British committed every possible unit to hunting down Bismarck.

Why was the sinking of the Bismarck important? ›

The sinking of the Bismarck was unquestionable the biggest naval action in the Atlantic during the second world war. The loss of the Bismarck changed Germany's entire naval strategy and thus their entire war strategy. It also was probably the final chapter in the long naval history of battleships.

Did the US help sink Bismarck? ›

British armed forces rallied every resource to avenge the loss, resources that included Ensign Leonard B. “Tuck” Smith of the U.S. Navy, who would have a pivotal role in the sinking of the Bismarck.

Was the Bismarck deeper than the Titanic? ›

Bismarck. Ballard undertook an even more daunting task when he and his team searched off the coast of France for the German Battleship Bismarck in 1989, using an ocean-crawling robot. The 15,000 foot deep water in which it sank is 4,000 feet deeper than that where the Titanic sank.

Did the captain of Bismarck survive? ›

He didn't. The captain was dead after the bridge and main gunnery director were destroyed by B turret exploding (from 16″ shell strike). The most senior surviving officer gave the order to abandon ship because it was sinking.

What was the most feared warship in WWII? ›

Launched on Valentine's Day 1939 at the Blohm & Voss shipyard in Hamburg, the battleship Bismarck inspired love in many of those watching her go down the slipway. A powerful representation of Germany's rise from the ashes of the First World War, it was a fearsome combination of size, swiftness and firepower.

Could Hood have beaten Bismarck? ›

Bismarck had the newest and most advanced fire-control systems. Hood's only advantage was in the weight of her armor-piercing projectiles, which weighed 1,900 pounds as compared to her opponent's 1,800-pound shells. Yet even with heavier shells, Hood's 29,000-yard maximum range was 6,000 yards less than Bismarck's.

Which was bigger, Bismarck or Yamato? ›

The largest and most powerful battleships ever built, Japan's Yamato and Musashi, were constructed secretly. These behemoths carried nine 18-inch/45 guns, the largest caliber guns ever mounted on a battleship, and their broadside weight was more than twice that of the Bismarck's guns.

What made Bismarck so feared? ›

The German battleship Bismarck was so feared because it could outgun and was better armoured than any Royal Navy ship.

What is the most powerful battleship ever built? ›

Followed by her Sister Yamato at 71,340 tons. Then the Iowa's at 58,450 tons full load. What is the biggest, heaviest, and most powerful battleship in history? The Japanese battleship Yamato the largest, heaviest and most powerful battleship ever made.

What ship actually sank the Bismarck? ›

By 9.31 'Bismarck' was no longer firing and and by 10.15 she was a burning wreck. Short of fuel, Tovey then turned for home, ordering the cruiser 'Dorsetshire' to finish her off with torpedoes.

How many died when Bismarck sank? ›

When the Bismarck was sunk 9 days later over 2000 sailors perished. In total, this great sea battle cost the lives of almost 3,500 men.

How thick was the armor on the Bismarck? ›

The Bismarck-class ships had an armored belt that ranged in thickness from 220 to 320 mm (8.7 to 12.6 in); the thickest section of armor covered the central portion, where the gun turrets, ammunition magazines, and machinery spaces were located.

Who did most of the damage to Bismarck? ›

The British battle-wagon HMS Rodney sailed away from the scene of combat in company with the Home Fleet flagship HMS King George V. It was Rodney's massive 16-inch guns that did the close-up killing of Bismarck.

How did the Bismarck sink the hood so quickly? ›

The Admiralty later concluded that the most likely explanation for the loss of Hood was a penetration of her magazines by a 38 cm (15 in) shell from Bismarck, causing the explosion.

Which ship was mistaken for the Bismarck? ›

The British fire was supposed to be concentrated on the Bismarck. But viewed from the Hood, the Prinz Eugen, which was out in front, was mistaken for the battleship (in fact, the silhouettes of the two ships were quite similar) and it took three minutes before the enemy realized his mistake.

Did the Bismarck crew sank itself? ›

Ultimately, no, they didn't. The Royal Navy arranged that quite handily. The ship was shelled into a blazing wreck by the battleships Rodney and King George V, with some help by a couple cruisers.

Do we know where the Bismarck sank? ›

The last battle of the German battleship Bismarck took place in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 300 nmi (350 mi; 560 km) west of Brest, France, on 26–27 May 1941.

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